Introduce Yourself @OG (Part 3)

Welcome @T0P nice to see you introducing yourself here. OG is a great place to hang around.

Please make yourself at home and keep sharing them pictures!

Peace :v:


Welcome to OG @T0P :sunglasses:


@T0P, welcome to Overgrow.


Welcome to Overgrow !! @T0P :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome to OG, @T0P!

I may be outta likes for the next couple of hours, but I definitely like your thread! I have real confidence you’re going to enjoy yourself here.


Welcome to the OG @T0P happy to have you here.


Welcome to OG @T0P :v:


Welcome to OG @T0P I just recently joined myself have an amazing time here


Hello all good people @Overgrow

Im new to og so thought id introduce myself im gonna use an alis as im very new to fourms or really any sort of online activity thats related to cannabis… where i live its basically a shootable offence even just having weed in your possession let alone growing…

The herb has done so much for me in recent years, after a long period of sobriety… ive really grown to appreciate the herb as a medicine…

i grow organiclly with my own mix… im totally open to being taught some newer better ways… any tips or anything at all

After a couple years of growing (around 5 going 6) i really feel like im missing out on so much with not being a member of an online community as theres no one in my personal life i can really talk to about the plant and genetics etc with which can get you really down especially being so passionate …

The last two years after really diving into genetics deep and finding out about white labels, seedbanks renameing any old bean what the popular stain of the day is… my eyes have been opened so ive been on a mission to collect, hunt and preserve and also, hopefully one day grow some clone onlys as ive never been able to…

ive never had the chance to experience these wonderful cultivars that i hear so much about… only what i can grow from seed…

Also i really really really have been taken down the breeding rabbit hole although now at the minute ive been called a pollen chucker which is fair considering im still quite new but the idea of bringing in some landrace or similar to modern genetics and seeing where i can take it excits me more than sex or winning the lotto… not just that but doing OP to preserve stains is the least i can do to repaythe plant for all its given me …

I wish everyone wonderful harvests and happy loving times…

peace and love to all

Ps apologies if i ranted a bit


Welcome to OG @NAKED_GARDEN_421

Here you will find others who are passionate about this plant.

Good luck on your mission!
Peace :v:


Hello Rastafarhigh :wave:

Hows it growing?

Many thanks for the warm welcome :pray: :heart:

Happy to be amongst others that share the passion…

If theres anything i can do to help or add to the community please let me know and also is there anything youd recommend i do/dont do? Like unwritten rules beyond common stuff like dont be dick to people etc lol



Welcome to Overgrow !! @NAKED_GARDEN_421


Welcome to the OG @NAKED_GARDEN_421 happy to have you here! You’ve come to the very best cannabis site on the Internet. I look forward to seeing your chucks in your grow journal (if you do one). Feel free to stop in and say high in mine anytime.


@NAKED_GARDEN_421, welcome to Overgrow.


Welcome @NAKED_GARDEN_421! A couple common rules are: no politics or politics related pictures, and no messaging people asking for seeds. If you want to ask about seeds or do a trade, the best thing to do is to ask on the thread first. Also, just be careful of signing up for wikis to not change the format or overwrite someone.
Welcome to the site man, you’ll love it here!


Welcome to OG @NAKED_GARDEN_421 ! You are in the right place my friend, plenty of like minded folks around here :wink:


Welcome to OG and @NAKED_GARDEN_421


Welcome to the OG, @NAKED_GARDEN_421! You have landed at the greatest weed growing site east of west Texas, and west of the moon! This is the place to be for folks like you and me!

That’s the single most important rule here. I also believe it’s the single most important rule for life in general, but that’s just one man’s opinion.


Welcome to OG @NAKED_GARDEN_421 , make yourself at home. :v:


Warm OG welcome @NAKED_GARDEN_421 … I have a similar problem with my friends not knowing anything about growing but they sure know how to smoke it.
This community is the best … you’ll find all levels of growers here who are dedicated and passionate and all willing to share and help.