Introduction before the journal

i’d do grape krush but i’m biased. grape everything is my favourite

@legalcanada besides being into grape… Grape stomper x the cube?!

yes im not sure what the cube is, but i’ve heard excellent things about grapestomper!

@legalcanada look it up it’s Starfighter crossed into it’s self. Exotic Genetix. They only made 100 packs and they sold for high high dollar



A little picture update. Almost chop time. Journal coming soon.

Top photo looks like all Trichome and no plant.

Nice, very nice.

I swear there calyx’s under there!

We will need a full report on that. Hehehe

I can’t give a full report. I’m not consuming unfortunately.

I thought the picture update would bring out a few more folks

beautiful plants and setup you have, cant wait for your journal to see how you do it :relaxed:

@roux thanks. It’ll be soon. I’m going to post harvest pics here and then start the new journal shortly after.

Excited for the journal bud, already got my bowl, food, and chair ready…

That first shot is insane!

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Thanks @GumbyBuds. I have a few more pics like it lol

Lol yeah right. You can do the same thing.

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Being on OG that might be a possibility… :pray:

These are pics that we can almost smell the plant. Had to put my head inside my tent to get some relief.

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Lol thanks @sk1 I hope to only get better