iPhone users beware

Apple in its wisdom has decided to monitor all images you place in the cloud and if deemed inappropriate turn over to LEO:



u can’t talk about that just submit



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I think they are worried about other things.


I am sure but that is how it starts. Who knows where it ends unless we protect our right to privacy……,


You take a picture forget privacy. Its always been that way. Storing them on cloud. Dont even get me started


THAT was ALL about CHILD SEX ABUSE!! I don’t think Apple cares about your gardening habits. They aren’t the only entities pledging to search their Libraries’ for images of same. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Yep was already planning on disabling the cloud now I stopped being lazy and just disabled lol no scanning for you

All I read was “illegal images” and then a bunch of paranoia. Yeah, I get the point but… meh. It’s not on my radar yet.

I have a plant identification app on my phone, does an ok job at reducing results but I still have to pick through one or two results. Still…

I realize Apple’s thing is to find child pornography, and I commend it. But I also gotta wonder if Apple is the first bi-polar company in the world, considering their vigorous fight to keep your phone private, and not give backdoors to LEO in the past. Wasn’t it just about a year ago where Apple and the Govt. were headbutting because of Apples encryption tech was keeping LEO out?

ps. I have no pics of cannabis on my phone. They are all cutleaf japanese maples and cleome flowers… That’s my story and I’m stickin to it…


Android. Just becareful in the WildWest App Store. :slight_smile:

kinda funny years and years ago they talked about micro chipping people ,everyone got all upset, then years later they get you to pay for the microchip by calling it a phone


Saw a meme once…
1960’s “I hope the government doesn’t put a listening device in my home”
2010’s “Government Listening Device, get me a good recipe for Risotto”
2020’s Between phones, alexa, siri, and the ability to say “Alexa, Ok Google or Siri” and have it respond just says it IS listening all the time, it HAS to be.

My island paradise keeps looking better and better… At least the palm trees aint listening, and I’d be underwater half the time anyway :smiley:


They only report child abuse. As long as that’s it, I have absolutely no problem with this

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Thats my issue, it never stays at “just that”. I don’t have an iphone, and if pics of my plants are an issue, so be it. I post em here anyway… Its one of those “don’t f with my freedoms” vs. “well, if its ONLY that, then go for it” things… I mean, no normal person is gonna have issue with finding and prosecuting those sorts, but more radical people might have issues with our plants. Its just a big can of worms to be opening… I have a hard time trusting that its ONLY that…


That’s the absolute truth. If you have wifi on, and location services, you are being tracked. Google sells as much info as they can, from Google searches, and peoples particular behaviors. They know more about your habits, than you do about yourself. I’d say it’s way too late to try and hide your info.

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I figure they can waste all of the time they want to, regarding trying to figure out what I’m up to. Maybe they could even help, and tell me.

Seriously, a major investigation into my activities will show them nothing more that a piss poor old guy who grows a few more than 6 plants. That ought to save the world!


In order to find such abuses, you must index and search everything…that is a very slippery slope, moral high ground or not.


I had history turned on for a while when I was working a certain job. HOLY CRAP did that thing track me down to the minute and mile. I love the metrics myself, but DAMN, with the right filters, I could tell you just how many minutes, and on what day and time I hit my local deli.

As for listening all the time? Here’s my “ah hah” moment… In Cozumel, I was involved in a brewery as well, and we had discussions one day in the courtyard on labelling machines. I had a local android smartphone, buddy had an iphone, neither of us used our phones at all to search, it was purely discussion on mechanical vs automated, cheap labor, and mention of a few names of the makers. Ok, now this is VERY specific and VERY targetted. Machines that make labelling bottles easy by hand. Doesn’t get much more targetted than that.

That night, I log into FB to update social media for the dive center (TOTALLY different industry obviously). Guess what FB serves me ads for? GUESS…


I never, not once, searched for them on my phone or any computer… Started carrying my phone a little less the next day. Made sure I started turning off my PC / Laptop / Tablet when I wasn’t using it. Not like I’ve got anything interesting to eavesdrop on, but damn, its just the principle, and its downright creepy…


Its a rabbit hole indeed.