Is a reg bean gender random?

What have you experienced as a general rate of male vs female plants? Taking into account males an bad seeds how many beans is it ideal to soak at once with the goal of growing a few plants?


The fact this post fails to mention hermaphrodites is quite frankly transphobic and exclusionary



I usually plant expecting this, plus a couple extra in case I mess anything up or cull plants


I didnā€™t mean to assume their genders! :wink:


I always pop a few extra beans for duds and mutants. Other than that 50/50


Itā€™s a good question- I think the fact that there are feminized seeds & even ā€œmalenizedā€ (like @KETAMINE_GRENADE :rofl:) then the answer must be no. :thinking:

But what determines the % in an open pollination is a good question. Hmm.

Reminds me of families with 7 girls because they were trying for a son. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:



In a general sense, slight favor of females in ratios. Like 55/45 or even 60/40. Which makes sense. The produce seed and you only need one male for many females.

Individual lines may be male or female dominant like how some men seem to father nothing but girls etc. Iā€™ve had lines be 80%+ female. And Iā€™ve gotten 80% males before. Grow enough varieties and it balances out.


ā€¦as in a reversed male S1ā€¦supposedly all boys :man_shrugging:


I have had 80% females which is usually. The times before where about 50/50. I did drop more for that reason.

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Depends on genetics mainly. But females overall id say 60/40 as average. Some males can dominate also


It depends a lot on genetics. For example landraces only need one male to pollinate the whole field so they have evolved to only have a few males per field. With people breeding the plants, we throw out the males so the plants dont need to evolve away from it.

Ive noticed 10-20% males when growing landraces and oldschool stuff but a lot of the modern day genetics have been more around 40-60% males. I cant tell you how many packs of ocean grown seeds ive grown and have only had like 3 or 4 females out of them all. Was more like 60-80% male.


Yes they are always random gender unless if you of course self pollenated the female and than the seeds would be 80-90% fem

I have seen 4/2 M/F on some G13 crosses and reversed on a different strain at the same run.
3&2 F/M with a dud most recently.
Never had a perfect 50/50 but have never done 25 or more at a go to see if it was true.
I say they are like Schrodingerā€™s Cat until proven otherwise.


From my experience for regular seeds I notice 55% are. Female maybe even 60% and rest is male 45-40%



I already know thereā€™s a lot of ppl on here thatā€™s prob gonna say this is a myth and I wonā€™t boast 100% accurate BUT I did test the theory of 2 seperate runs of 32 plants 1 seed each of all different cultivars and 1st run was 3 males and 2nd run was 3 and a really gnarly intersex la confidential which technically was still a fem. When germinating seeds were already taking a shot in the dark but at least itā€™s a better shot in my humble opinion and will vouch itā€™s a good guideline to look for picking through seeds and limited counts


No I actually go by that. I do believe in on top in a bottom pop. I always believe that a side is a male. I have no proof of it.

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Its a crap shoot. Sometimes you get 70% femalesā€¦sometimes 70% malesā€¦ or worse. Why its a good idea to throw in a few fem seeds/plants to hedge your bets. And yes good to start more then you need to account for non germing seedsā€¦runts etc.


Just found out about this ā€˜volcanoā€™ technique. Blows my mindā€¦

Will def be taking a closer look before germinating seeds going forward and labeling my guesses based in this theory.

Seems to good to be trueā€¦ but many say they have good resultsā€¦ so I wonā€™t write it off.


Well canā€™t stress enough itā€™s not full proof and also takes some experience overtime to identify the traits described and lump em all in 5 categories but the times Iā€™ve used it to be hitting 85-90% females and there has got to be some truth to it or I should be buying lottery tickets just lucky