Many males + one female = great majority of males in offspring?

Has anyone experienced multiple instances of this happening?

My breeding is a bit too small scale to be sure, but it’s info that might be interesting to many.
Logically it makes sense to me, but then again, the universe has a mind of its own.
Nevertheless, pattern recognition is very valuable.


Short answer, no.


bro science update on this, aka shit i heard 30 years ago and has held true in my anecdotal experience. i had always heard that the temperature when you pop the seeds helped determine the sex of the plant along with how may you popped. it was always said that colder temps produced more females as well as only popping one seed at a time. both ways have worked for me every single time, even though i now know how the dna in plants are stored in the seed (or at least i think i have a good idea). never heard of this one though.


Never! I do multi-male and females, and usually batch test each female. Always right about 50/50 male/female. In fact I recently did a coop repro for OG, and ended up with 7 males and only 1 female. But folks growing them have been getting 50+% females from them. Luck of the draw!


im trying to figur this out im positive i heard it from sub in a weednerd episode

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Sub and that whole era is responsible are for a lot of stupid beliefs in growing and breeding, so it makes sense…


so i should dissmiss any info related to them?

@amumayuk Big grain of salt is what I’d suggest… Unfortunately, it’s common in general in this world. Gobs of bro science and BS repeated down through the years. Look at how many people flush still when the logic in doing so spits in the face of what we know about these plants.

Back then was extra special, it was a time when many struggled just to be honest about the genetics and there was clear gamesmanship in some of the info that was spread back then.


dayum now im wondering whos worthy really of their words but imo subs knowledge was derived from vic high, am i mistaken to think that they had a solide understanding and knowledge of what they talked about? or am i missing something

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@amumayuk Man, I really don’t want to stir up that hornets nest. All I’ll say is, some, perhaps many from that era weren’t scholarly upstanding people, they were drug addicts, con artists, criminals, abusers, and bad people in some cases. By some accounts of people that knew him, Sub was more talk than substance and was a wreck. There’s plenty of negative commentary on his work as well, but that’s been toned down now that he’s dead.

My personal criticism of that era other than the smoke and mirrors, many of the breeders were focused only on certain traits and ignored or paid less attention to others.

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Sub wasn’t even doing his own work for years towards the end, he had others producing beans for him.

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im oblivious and was mosttly introduced to him by folowing mendo dope and his name came out often when i was reseaerching organic soil recipees in my very first years of growing so im questioning some of the foundational knowledge i relied on now that you bring these facts onto light

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@amumayuk I appreciate that you’re questioning it, most just dig in on their beliefs. Some claim that Jill was the more talented breeder of one two, but I had a couple concerning interactions with her and won’t mess with her gear.

I’m not a soil guy, but I am a science guy. I’ve grown in just about every media and environment. I came from the organic herb, tea, and coffee industry. The way salts are demonized and all these wacky teas and composts lauded is a perfect example of bro science. Salts are perfectly safe and if done right, incredibly low in heavy metals and impurities, this can’t be said for a lot of the various concoctions people come up with for soil and organic growing.

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i agree in one part to this as much as the bro science goes

but my understanding is salt is like tube feeding someone
and soil/living soil is the plant choses when and what she eats or drink

in my opinion both have their pros & cons and the more the science goes at it the less i get scared from salts
im not really scared its just that i prefer the plant to do its thing as much as it can without my involvement so i try to give it a diversified meal to chose from

My understanding is that plants are selective in their uptake regardless, so I don’t think the feed tube analogy is correct.

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with this revelation i do not know anything anymore :rofl:
i doubt the very core of my own knowledge now

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I went to a coffee plantation and asked what they use for fertilizer. They wouldn’t tell me.