Is Breeding Still a lucrative trade?

I have another perspective on why I became such a fan boi of you and it had nothing to do really with the genetics.

This is going to sound like a true fan boi, but atleast I’m open about it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It was your personality that made me source your genetics in the first place. You where nice, helpful on ICM and because of that people respected you. You where surrounded by sharks, trying to be the best and baddest, ripping each other apart. You just didn’t care, kept your head down and focused on positivity and your own. It stood out like a sore thumb on ICM and I believe that it really contributed to your “brand”.

As I said before, organic growth can be super powerful if you’re actually pulling it off!

Pz :v:t2:


When you start slinging beans if you have a website have a blog on the site. Blog each strain you are selling we want pictures, lineage, grow medium, nutes used odors, taste, effects, duration. The more detail you provide the greater your chances of selling that strain.


hey man thanks for the kind words… and the reminder of how best to behave! - men get more grumpy as they get older lol.
It was a bit like how you describe over there back then… but there were also some good people who were kind to me and who i could learn from.
I think you seem to have a great rep over here doing your thing with the thread and breeding projetcs


The other option, is simply buy out a well known growers/breeders handle, then re-market it to sound like you put the work in, to build that name up.
So now you need to create a dog and pony show story.
All how you been breeding since kinder garden, and you have the only true genetics available on earth anywhere!
Start a podcast, then repeat the story ad nauseam , until it becomes truth.
The slick an quick way…


Yes! That’s what I think is apart of the branding/marketing context. If you’re growing out some fire crosses you made and taking pictures/documenting your grows it makes people more likely to buy your merchandise. Building a reputation in the community definitely helps

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Damn it ! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: That was my idea. Im “always a day late and a dollar short. “


Just use AI to make up your story and you’re good.