Is Breeding Still a lucrative trade?

YUP!! :wink: :v:

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Its just insane, since I started reading on Seedfinder, I also noticed just how much Cookies inbreeding is beeing done…

Just for the Gelato its already backcrossed with Cookies once.

The new popular strain I see around is the Do-Si-Dos:

And you dont have to look far to find “Do-Si-Dos Cookies”:
Do Si Dos Cookies »»» Girl Scout Cookies x Do Si Dos

Seems to me that “modern” breeding is just backcrossing genetics that already contain Cookies back to Cookies and call it a day.

eS :tropical_drink:


Wild shit. Getting down to vegetable pricing


It’s bananas. It’s like people are afraid to breed with anything that doesn’t have Cookies or Gelato anymore. There was a video with some seed company and they found this amazing landrace, “So we crossed it to Gary Payton and the flowers came out really nice”. I hope people start getting curious about cannabis other than what Berner and his dumb greedy buddies have told them to buy.


Yeah man, and if you look historically, USA has produced so many amazing genetics, yet they are ignored by the big breeders today, for example: Bubblegum (the OG GSC IMHO), Skunk, Haze, Blueberry, the Chem lines and the Train lines.

I love almost all of these lines, and its sad to see them decline in popularity, part of the experience of weed for me is the variety in tastes, smells and effects, and currently it feels like more and more of the same.


Even Trichome Jungle uses GSC now.

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I’m biased though because I like weed that makes me like this:

And not whatever turns you into this dude:


That MH propaganda is hilarious,

:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :seedling:


That makes sense i was thinking street prices and havent seen a 400oz in 20 yrs, I should have got the clue when I seen +tax lol, thats actually not a bad deal if it aint hay. Just came to mind i’m in San Diego and we have amongst the highest rent and electricity costs yet the price of weed is cheaper than most of the nation, so depending on demographics it could be more or less lucrative.


There is too much outdoor. People want indoor. They don’t know it may not be getting the care it needs to get the full asking price. Check this out…

It is all bullshit mass produced crap except for occasional good places that do actually sell craft stuff at reasonable prices. Most people are paying more and expecting the homegrown indoor care.


Ha! Work work that social sphere and burn the midnight oil to get out there. I’ve been on it for about a month and it’s slowly gaining steam. Getting my CripXmas in front of influencers is the goal and reviews done, build packaging, building a Shopify page. I have a known name and it’s not an easy overnight endeavor but I’m determined to see it through and that takes more initiation on my part.


This is the thing, if you are just sampling and remixing the same tired tune and putting a different label on it then sooner or later everything becomes bland and the same. It’s the rush to the bottom. Ain’t legalization great? lol.

Good for you brother , I really hope it takes off for you🙏


Do not think in terms of one source of income to financial freedom. Develop multiple income streams to supplment your main source of income. A few dollars here and there add up over time. Search Passive Income Streams for ideas, dividend stocks add up over time.

Also cut down your outflow of money until you have financial freedom. I look at things in terms of making money, I do not like spending money on stuff unless I have to have it to live or I can make money from it. This is why I do not have and never have had a smart phone, streaming services or eat or drink overpriced meals made by others. Those things are unless waste of money unless you are making money from your phone.


I agree but it’s not legal unless passionate people can legally practice the trade without financial motivation IMHO. Currently weed is ‘regulated’ but the laws are passed by idiots (here in the Netherlands too), giving licenses to the big growers that are only in it for $$$…

Legal for me would be similar to the German model, and I bet my house on the fact that we will see some amazing new genetics coming from there.



Going back to the original question… here is my experience of a few of the releases ive made over the last 12 or so years. Background: i was already an established grower known for high efficiency scrogs and being able to grow a decent plant. Ive never spent any money on promotion beyond sending seeds to people to make threads of their test grow, or posting test grows and pics of plants myself. Never spent any money on packaging or design. Sell seeds for $50 per pack (6 fems or 12 regs)

Pre98 Bubba Kush S1s: this was my first ever realease, and the first couple of dozen packs i sent to SB sold out instantly. I then finished the next batch and the next couple of bigger batches also sold instantly. then the next one took a few hours, the one after that took a few days, then a couple weeks, then they stayed in stock and sold more slowly. i was lucky with this because the pre98 Selfs very reliably and obviously i am benefiting from the fact that it is a well known clone…

Pine Tar Kush. Managed to source some seeds which took quite a while. First ones were dead, sourced some more which i made a repro with and they all sold out very quickly. This was at the time a ‘lost’ variety and i was the first to manage a repro. (Caleb’s was bigger but came after mine, he got some of his seeds from the same source)

C4DD. Gathered momentum slowly over about 10 years and demand really started to to build just as i was running out of stock and ready to take it to F2 and make more stock

BlueDigiBerry. Same really, gathered momentum over about a decade as more grows and smoke reports got posted… then demand snowballed just as i started to run out of stock and needed to think about the next generation.

I hope that helps some people who might be thinking about it. My advice is to be realistic about what you can achieve with the space and resources you have available. Given that i am very limited for space i concentrate more on distributing rare/in demand genetics in a form that the buyer has a starting point for their own project… rather than trying to get things nailed down to F12 - because i don’t have the space to do that properly. this suits me well as i mysel am always interested in trying those varieties myself and i am quite good at sourcing them (mainly because i have a reputation for being honest and reliable)


This is why I feel Bodhi seeds are in high demand. They havent been worked to death and there are real gems to be found by home growers i those seeds.


Just wondering, but you had your “boutique breeder” status on ICM for free? It’s a bit of a promotional tool :wink:

Best advice imo


Hi, good point… previously i didn’t pay anything for my Seedbay Forum at IC but last year they started the ‘boutique breeder’ section and you now have to pay a few hundred pounds per year for the forum in the BB section.


I sincerely appreciate that :smiling_face: I think the key, especially how marketing works today is getting some large influencers behind ya, and I got some big ones really interested. I’ve got about 5 offers now so I would think between all that opens the channels en mass. Once I’ve got the influencers attesting it’s a serious top quality unique cultivar bonifde pine terps, I know that ship is “coming in” to follow.

I’d like see you growing CripXmas too, it’s such an interesting plant to observe with all the unique traits it has, especially being a dwarf. I never get bored of it and usually that’s not the case. In some respects I feel like my ‘chase’ ended getting this plant. That hunting desire I used to have, yearning and wanting the most unique concoction I could dream of possible is now realized.


They can, but it’s illegal in most countries. There is also a very hard ethical debate on this, as well on the “healing brother/sister” strategy (legal).

It’s desperation until you stop to breed for yourself only ^^ I’m not even joking.
It’s also learning that a R&D (a sedentary genpool) need to be fueled anyway.

Some papers are around with the drama between the twos (now they both say the sub-label is sleeping and not dead ^^), and i was really surprised to see that the financial backbone was really the apparels and the goodies. Not the genetic and not even the weed lol

Maybe it’s why nothing happened with Arjan after their promotional visit to Darmian, the old dog maybe smelled that behind the shiny necklace of the hungry puppy … some smoke’s walls in term of structure ^^

I feel i’m chasing ghosts but, the whole sentence is contradictory. You can’t “not know” a polyhybrid.

The qualification of polyhybrid is specifically indicating that one (monohybridism) or a fews (polyhybridism) traits are mapped and specifically controlled. So the extreme reverse of what you’re qualifying (that i’ve understood, the absence of intermediate stabilization in fact).

I’m picky with this all the time but it’s for me like reading often that the water is dry ^^

I’m all for warning people on the extreme Darwinism ambient of the game, but not to say that if stars are aligned you don’t bite hard. It’s no decent. And it’s legit too, you’re playing with your freedom anywhere you are with a breeding facility. Even in cheating with cards and associations, the constraints make it impossible to decently work legally at least a single line.

They are smart, you can produce even for yourself without much hassle outside the mafiosi racket “to pay the right to …”. But when it belong to feed in genetics this crazy hungry market … suddenly everything is illegal ^^
How it’s strange right ?

So true

enough quotes … the subject fascinate me lol