Is it harvest time? First indoor grow.

Well they look good.

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You have unknown origin seeds, I have unknown clones! I like your close up images, so dark green and buds rolled in sugar.

Last Friday was 11 weeks in flower, and the small delicate type leaf structure is telling me its a sativa mix? Yet, the bracts are still producing white hairs, at nearly 3 months.
Growing indoors has allowed me to see plant growth, Like the way the bracts swell, open then unfoil the pistils.

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I will anser a couple questions now, more detail coming.
My PG 300 w led is the model before the dimming switch was added but, same light Ive been told.
Final weight… I’m guessing between 4 - 6 oz’s. Ive left 3 plants after harvesting their tops. Bottoms can use the light a few more days.
I have read and watched much on LED lighting, re PPFD. This first indoor grow, I followed the specs to keep the light above the plant canopy. Went along ok then in mid flower plants stretched, the bud tips went white. I thought they had light burn? I panicked, and raised the light, h’mm.
Turns out the tops of buds were thick with white hairs, I confused that with light burn. For the last 4 weeks abouts, as a precaution I have the light at least 8 in higher then PGrow recommend. But, and according to other growers some leave their lights well above the spec’s in the manual. They say with the light higher theres more room for the reflected light to be effective.
I bought a Quantum PAR metre. The last few weeks, I take readings and while the ppfd does drop off intensity in tent corners and sides, it is only say 100 par difference. But, remember my tent is not 1 metre square, its 90 cm.
I think PG say the 300 w can light a 1 x 1m sq tent.

First grow in coco/perlite mix. Ive grown outdoors for approx 10 yrs, 4 yrs in I started using cannabis specific nute’s. Ive used Canna Tera and Flores in outdoors and simply used it here.
Others told me what nutrients they used indoors, so I had to learn to apply Multizyme, Pro Cal and the Bio Diesel Flower(boost stimulant).
Next time I might try the Green Planet or Bio Diesel range, less expensive re Canna.
Have you ever noticed a pungent smell off your plants runoff?
I think it could be the salts, but I do not know.
Have so much to learn

1 Like do u flush like this guy in this video u don’t have to join just hit watch on u tube ANYWHO have a great day