Is seed sex determination set?

@JoeCrowe calls it falsifiable hypothesis… fancy btw :wink: The rest of us stoners call it Bro Science :crazy_face:

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Pot is crazy … Cannabacea is new … Grettings fron the UK subs fron Kew Garden …


Aw hell Man, now we have to wikipedia a hackberry. lol WTF is that?

Now I’m just being silly. But seriously… Hackberry??

Blz @Meesh … Carissa Moore rules >>>

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@JoeCrowe Hemp = CavemanOG or is it Prehistoric Kush :rofl:

@Bud_Weiser It was triathlon coverage all day here… YAWN!

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oh I was lost there for a sec! They said the earliest fossil pollen they could find for cannabis was on the Tibetan plateau. Of course, the search continues, but that’s where it stands for now. I read so many crazy things!!


Well first I answered the wrong post with my wikipedia joke about the hackberry so it tagged Bud. Then Bud and I were talking about skateboarding in the olympics earlier, so there’s that. Its not you, it’s the sativa. You are making perfect sense.

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@JoeCrowe … you say fossils i"m in…

Open source pdf … heavy stuff … 500 plus pages …

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pot is crazy … love this flow
:green_heart: :call_me_hand:

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lol, I read Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged, I can make it through anything :crazy_face:


Bare with me here, cuz I’m really high and no scientist

Following the original train of thought… If X genes are present in all 565 sex linked genes and only 347 genes has Y then, would it make sense to hypothesize that the presence of ethelene to be true XX would be like a balancing factor to the female dominance in the sex linked genes? Meaning it would make the male/female ratio more 50/50?

I’m jumping in, dont feel like dreading everyones crazy thoughts.

Obviously sex is determined from pollination, how else can we breed 100% females? Wouldnt environmental affect those?

well, what you could probably say is in the hemizygous genes are the genes for ethylene production.
The Cannabis Evolution book is pretty good, not as sciencey as I’m used to :wink: It’s much better than the old Marijuana Botany book that clarke did. Way easier to read than atlas shrugged.


well, I’m halfway through I took a break to blink some and rip a few dabs. It’s a fascinating tale of pollen grains and fibers found in ancient ruins. Allows them to trace the history of the usage of cannabis by different peoples.I laughed when I saw the 11th century bong. Ninjas jump 4 meters heh heh. Definitely worth the read. I admit I was jaded by re-reading marijuana botany just today, but this book is way better. I love it! I think it’s helped me improve my hemp fiber making process. The ancients sure knew how to do it!!!


I’ve seen that chart too, and read if you can crush a seed with your fingers its not viable, more BS (Bro Science)

wow that was quite the journey. Didn’t much care for the cannabis rituals part. Laughed when they said weed was good for flatulence. Thought it was funny the pope declared weed the sacrament of satan in the 1400s. What I noticed is the book is already dated because hemp was legalized in the usa since it was written.


had this strange thought you know. Since ethylene is responsible for flowering, and that’s the same for at least one other plant I can think of… I wonder if you could expose a plant to acetylene to induce earlier flowering, because that’s what you can do to pineapples.


this makes perfect sense!

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An interesting thought. Or if you could use ethylene to induce flowering with a long day? :thinking:

They also use ethylene blockers in apple orchards. I’ve often wondered if those would be a better, safer, alternative than spraying silver concoctions…


shifty eyes they say… decomposing banana peels and apples release ethylene.