Mac1 breeding questions

So I’m hoping someone can help me understand what may have happened.
Mac1 was sprayed with collided silver 2 weeks before flower. Then everyday for the next 6 weeks. Buds still started forming. No noticeable signs of balls at all. Plant continued to bud out. Buds where picked, dried… and they are full of seeds.
So… what happened? Did I miss the balls? Did the plant herm? What would these seeds be? Garbage? :thinking: :woman_shrugging:
Any and all comments… :green_heart::v:


I would assume it did produce minimal male flowers internally and that’s what caused the seed…
But I know mac1 is difficult to breed with so I could be wrong. Fingers crossed for ya though!


Yes I’ve heard it’s very difficult.
I love a challenge!
So you think the seeds are a result of a hermed plant or??


I applied several types of pollen to a MAC1 in my outdoor this past summer, and i didn’t see any evidence of seeds when I harvested.

I haven’t broken it up yet. It’s too pretty to just shred up if there aren’t seeds inside. On everything else I’ve ever pollinated, I see clear evidence of seeds on the buds. I see no evidence on the MAC1.

I have 2 MAC1’s in the indoor winter fem seed making grow right now. I was going to reverse them to pollinate everything else in there, but now I’m even more skeptical, as if I wasn’t already.

Since the BD(JD6) reversed well last year, and feedback on the Dream6 has been positive, I’m thinking of just reversing that again. I’ve got a couple of weeks to make up my mind.


Personally I think the CS was effective but only made a few male flowers that were hidden within the female flowers. So I don’t think it “hermed” per say.
I would definitely keep an eye on those seeds when grown out just in case…but that pretty much goes with most Seeds these days haha

If you were successful though, that’s pretty cool and those beans could be exceptional! Hopefully they are viable and don’t have alot of mutants.



Well I guess grow them and see.
Thank you for the feedback.
I hope others chime in.


2nd hand info… and understanding…

Mac1 is one stubborn girly.
That is a lot of CS. I’m thinking the heavy cs doses might have stressed it and some bananas might have grown IN the buds, giving “fantom seeds”.

“What would these seeds be”

My initial response is grow a few, chances are around 50% will be unusable, showing various levels of fookery, and another 50% minimally to not at all hermie


So would that mean sterile seeds?


Well, if they develop and mature I’d assume they’d germinate. Aborts/end rot/soft shelled/ I’d give little hope


It will be interesting for me .
It’s been a learning process for sure.


Mac1 is alledgely (triploid?) functionally sterile, so any viable seed is a little miracle, I never experimented with the cut myself so it’s all surprises and learning from here.

All the best :pray:


Then you for the feedback! :pray:
Always learning, experimenting seeing what works and wondering the how and why…
This plant is amazing in all it is!


Thats what’s it all about :pray:

Growing weed taught me so much more than plant stuff, I’d even go as far as saying it made me a better human🏌‍♂️


i have made seeds with her , grown them out too , actually running one right now .

I’ve thrown down maybe 50 of the seeds I’m only on my second plant


My expectation, assuming you have no other plants that could have hermed and pollinated it, would be that the beans are from the plant you were trying to reverse.

So regardless of if they were “selfed” because of the intentional use of CS, or “selfed” because of some other stress, they should be genetically the same.

I know nothing about MAC1 other than it is notoriously hard to breed with, just for what it’s worth.


mac is known for not accepting pollen well. if you made seeds of mac1, you are best off feeding them to a bird. f’ capulator and his midsy genetics.

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i respectfully disagree

Lost Cap

no bird feeder here :boom:



Truthful though, the only way your gonna know forsure is to grow out the seeds and see IF they Hermi on you. If they grow normally and no issues then I’d say it’s good to go.


Thank you everyone for the input.
I’ve just never have run across this before and was hoping for some others thoughts on this.


I wonder if the plant would react differently to sts?