Is this a back cross/ stabilized?

I totally get what yer sayng overall and don’t disagree except for how tonygreen arrived at GG4 RIL. This not to start debate either, i’ts all purely educational and if tony has time i am sure he will chime into this thread. I followed the Gorilla Bubble from the time the BX2 seeds were being made and have been on the tonygreen train ever since. My GLG receipts will show that there aren’t many of his drops that I have missed hehehe.

GG4 RIL is tony green’s line bred Gorilla Bubble BX5 crossed with Mykotek’s line bred Bx6. No selfing was involved to get to that stage. Now he also released GG4 RIL as fem seeds and regulars. My comment is pertaining to the regulars which I have here in front of me.

So GG4 RIL regular seeds are arrived at by line breeding , selecting for the GG4 traits not by selfing. It was only later in the development of the Gorilla Bubble line that Tony delved into selfing and quickly learned a lot. He does have some strong opinions on the value of selfing since then and I pay close attention when he decides to pass on anything he has learned.


I think of a stable strain as being bottlenecked. Bottle necking is just narrowing down the genetics most likly from 1 on 1 pairing over multiple generations and in breeding it will only throws out a certain number of phenos or as breeders would say a predictable outcome. That could be whatever the breeder was breeding for size,smell, shape etc.