Is this fem run working?

i did a fem run, but I didn’t think it worked. i pulled the last donor plant last week and just figured i would keep the bud, but a few plants looks like they are mildly seeded.
is this a good sign?


I would indeed say seeds are a good sign if you are doing a seed run.


i never saw male parts come out though. i’ve grown all these before, but I haven’t seen them nanner either.

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oh i assumed you used femmed pollen to knock up a differnt plant.
i dunno man- but there are beans baking in there.

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stray pollen from doug dawson ? lol


i ran sts on two cuts of red hot cookies to pollinate a select bunch of other cuts i have run before and like. i never saw any male parts on the red hot cookies. i don’t see any male parts on any plant. the ones that are pollenated were near the donor plants…

no. lol. i dont’ have any of his pollen. maybe i should.