Is this true herming?

Please keep it alive long enough to send me some berry freak revered pollen ! :sunglasses:


This is the only picture I have of the father of those BerryFreaks:

No intersex that I can see.

There were three female F4s, and I gave you a mix of their seeds. I wish I could say which of the parents the intersex came from, but I can’t.


Man I don’t know,I really have a Little space and got my Rh at 86% during night,so culling Is good to me,also we don’t know if we want herm pollen

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We definitely don’t

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By any means It Is not your fault.I want to make It clear,this guy has Just been generous offering the seeds.We ran into problems and It s not his fault

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Let’s make some friends again, i’m glad lonely is around so at least one that will not take it badly ^^

You triggered this artificially, it’s normal. See it like an interruptor that was previously “tapped” for safety purpose. Now the plant have access to it, like a kid that like to play the “day/night” game.

20 years of bullshits on this matter tired me, so excuse my lack of appeal for any marketed game-words. I’ve made a shit ton, i’ve used them in another life … each time i complain about the lack of oversight on reversal, i’m insulting and blaming myself first to have feeded the beast.

Yes, a cannabis plant with both sex is an herm no matter how you obtain it : torture, chemically, naturally … it doesn’t fucking matter at the plant level and at DNA level. Triggered is triggered, basta cosi. Just like a variegation. Ignoring the impact or not, it’s not my business and i never judge this at personal level.

Is it possible to create fire and stable feminized lines worth to grow ? Absolutely.

Good strategy. Their impact is very much drastic that herms declared female first, on the quality of the ouput i mean.

To reach a certain level of quality, it’s very simple actually. You have to use the specimens that don’t switch without STS. If it’s the case of the plant in question … the STS just do its job on hormonal inertia.


Haha I love you to @Fuel :laughing: and I totally agree with what you have said here.

Pz :v:t2:


Hehe, I guess this should say “By any means it’s not your fault.”. :wink:

@middleman that male looks real solid. Probably a female that snuck by, it happens the best of us. I’ve also had bad couples multiple times, totally clean female/male, stress tested over multiple runs, but together they gives me herm heaven.

This is due to herm or ethylene disfunctions being a polygenic trait and polygenic traits can really fuck you.

Pz :v:t2:


I have reversed many plants and they ALL had some female stigmas along with the male flowers. That means that your spray has worked the way you wanted it to. It has induced the intersex trait in your female. The spray can not turn a female plant into a male plant. You can use this reversed plants pollen to fertilize other females or it can and most likely will fertilize itself. Any and all of those seeds will be feminized and completely OK. :grin:

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