Is this true herming?

Hola Og,this plant was reversed with STS but now has grown also stigmas.What do you think?Is It a herm?
One of those was a male but Hermed giving stigmas in the nodes early flowering and I chopped It.
Should I chop this and take a cut instead of a good flowering female that has not Hermes,cloning and reversing that cut?


Reversed females will still grow hairs sometimes.


That Is why I am not sure to kill It.
On the other hand 2 of these plants grown herm traits already during early flowering and I chopped Them.
I Don’t want to make seeds out of a herm,so in doubt,what would you do?


When in doubt, I chop them. I am weird though, I will kill anything that don’t look right to me. My 2 cents in this economy is now worth -.02 cents.


You need to grow a plant a few times before reversing her. Find out if she’s stable, good smoke, flower time and if you even want to keep something like it around. Then start the reversal process. I wouldn’t plant a seed and try to reverse it without knowing what she brings to the table.


Dont Kill it. Reversed plants still make female hairs. This is what you wanted when you sprayed her. It will not hurt your seeds. :grin:


If anything, that plant is resisting herm tendencies. You’re trying to make it herm hormonally and it’s still pushing back.


Well I m very not sure about this plant s future


Calling out @middleman and @crunkyeah which are more keen to this strain

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Well, when you reverse a plant, as others have said, you will still often have female parts. So, I think it’s impossible to know whether or not the plant is naturally intersex.

In my opinion, @Slammedsonoma420 gives you the best advice about growing a plant out to get to know it before reversing her. I realize that sometimes that isn’t ideal (or possible) due to time and space constraints.

Edit: is this the BerryFreak? I’ve seen intersex once before on Supafreak, but I did not encounter any with the BerryFreak run. If this is BF, I’m sad to hear about it in the progeny.


Yes She Is.I found a Big male,which shown female intersex growing and he s been chopped.
Another girl showed balls…chopped.
Now I got 2 females which looks ok,this One reversed and another female which Is a Lil SUS
What would you do?No Pollen means no beans and no more Berryfreak for me :disappointed:


Finish the run but set those seeds aside and only use them if I really had to.

I have a few more Berry Freak I can send you, but they are from the same parents, so possibly more intersex.


I’ve come across a lot of females throwing hairs when reversed. It’s normal. I usually take multiple clones of the same plant and reverse them all to be sure I get good results. Even though ever single one of the clones have the same dna and are being in the same environment. Some of the will 100% turn, some of them will look like your “girl” you have there and some won’t turn at all.

So I want to repeat what have been said before. You can’t draw any conclusions from this, you need to test your plants out before doing the actual breeding if you want to be sure that you are not strengthening any herm tendencies.

Pz :v:t2:


Safer to take clones of the 2 girls which don’t show Herm traits and put on 18/6 trying to veg them and reverse One,get the good Pollen and do a seedrun from those 2 clones
What about this?


Yes, I think it’s a great idea to finish the run and test out the progeny. Even if you have “clean” parent, it can be a bad match and strengthen the herm tendency. So testing the progeny is just as important as testing the parents. Now when you skipped one step, you can move step two instead. In the end, step two is the only step that really matters.

Pz :v:t2:


I m gonna try and alternative route,really Don’t want to loose It all


So I can try this:take clones of the “good” girls,letting the reversed one drop Pollen.Pollinate the flowering girls.
Test the seeds
(Here S what Is wrong:I have no space/time to test progeny.)
Meanwhile:reversing a clone and use Pollen to obtain apparent no herm progeny


Personally I would cull and start over, but that’s me. I’m a fascist against my plants. If they can’t handle my torture I don’t care for them at all and I’m happy to see them die.

I get the feeling that you are stressing a bit about this and trying to hard to do the smart thing, rather then the sure thing. I totally get it and it’s a gamble.

But let’s play with the idea that this current cross comes out with lots of herms in the progeny. Then you wasted your time, but so what… You still have the other plants to get a new shot with. Since you skipped the testing you are back at the same time schedule as if you would have tested them.

So let’s steelman the idea from the other perspective. They come out without herm tendencies and are successful. Then you would have been taking a shortcut and will be able to finish the project much earlier then expected.

Pz :v:t2:


I have fascist tendency too my friend.
I feel like I m trying to shoot too far because I had 3 plants herming and I think It s either my tent with the Red leds from the inkbirds or the tent Is not 100% lightproof.It could also be roots in a 1.5 liter pot stress.
It could be.But In my head the fact I had 3 herms it makes me think It s the genetic a little too Easy on the herm side.
I still have 3 good females right now and the idea of Just flower Them and cull the reversed plant Is getting stronger and stronger now.
Thanks for your help friend @LonelyOC


Herms are pretty much always genetic. So dont worry about it! You have talked with me about this project and I think that you should slow down, take your time and really enjoy the journey and don’t focus so much about the end goal. I’m happy to help you out, you are a good friend.

Pz :v:t2: