ISO Paranoia inducing strains

The last time I smoked a straight haze strain it gave me anxiety too, but I love it in a cross.



I hate that heart racing high. It makes me worried im going to die of a heart attack. Which then causes it to beat faster. I guess thats not true paranoia? Sometimes it gets me where I feel like im losing sense of reality and have anxieties it wont go away. It always does.

I also think time slows down so you think your heart is beating faster than it really is.

Been smoking some mellow bud my dad grew for over a week and went back to my good weed and put kief over it. Not sure what i was thinking…had off and on panic attacks for 2 hours.

Anyone find you get more anxious in the mornings if you over do it? Seems that way for me.


Ooooo the Thai stick days of early 80’s. Not really sure , but I think I was getting 5 sticks for $50.
Also on my menu back then was Lebanese blonde hash. Mmmmm. I can still taste it . $10 a gram . I’d buy 5 grams everyday, sell two at $25 and smoke the rest same with the Thai stick. That’s also the days when Colombian gold( the original 2 hit weed) and Oaxaca would come thru every now and then. I have some skunk I haven’t grown yet but when I do I’m going to try my best to pull many seeds from it. The la.og.× Uf.18 from deep ELLUM. Uncle festers #18 is about as road kill as you can get I think… But that black skunk I had, when I opened the jar, people would actually start looking for the skunk to run it off. I’d be lmfao at them. Until they realized it was just me rolling a joint. Then I’d be roflmao. The paranoid thing wore off after many pounds of smoking it. By then I was just straight paranoid 24/7. High or not. Don’t think it was legal anywhere back then , especially where I’m at. They’ll still hang you next to the horse thieves then and now. Crooked Gov. They KNOW if it’s legalized the money they make for ruining a persons life for smoking a plant that does nothing in damages compared to alcohol, which is legal almost everywhere will go to somebody else… So I engaged and married my paranoia, kept me outta prison.
Just looking over my shoulder


Thanks is everyone for the responses, meesh is quite correct and there is definitely a difference between raciness and paranoia producing effects, although they do seem to work hand in hand but most racy strains seem to have a bit of a high peak at the beginning of the high but normally fade into a more mellow affect but you’re body seems to learn to cope with it after smoking it for a while, then there should be strains that won’t necessarily give you heavy heart pounding?:sweat_smile: But has the ability to give you that uneasy paranoia for a good couple of hours.

I would never have thought of looking at hashplants for this but I am definitely open to options as the last variety that did have this affect on me was definitely nowhere near being a pure sativa.

@Meesh I have a pack of bodhi black triangle and cannabiogens hash fruit, am I on the right track here for strong hashplants or should I try and get a pack of the dragons blood? I haven’t tried any of them

@SquirtleSquad :sweat_smile: I hear you man but I think a large part of what made weed trippy for me were those heavy paranoia inducing varieties, especially in a group with your friends as the anxiety and electricity would in the correct environment probably led to some of the most wild memories I have from smoking in my early teens till my mid twenties. I think alot of rhe older guys are looking for something similar but they forgot how paranoia inducing these strains where in our earlier years because when you constantly smoked them they didn’t have the heighten paranoia affect all the time but you where aware it was there sitting in the back of your mind just waiting to be released if the perfect storm.

Again thanks everyone for entertaining my request here, I think I should just stop fighting it and actually grow a few Swazi plants this year as they were always gave a much more muddy type affect than the well selected sativas I’ve grown out. I miss the feeling of what I used to smoke and I’ve got many years left to try find it again and hopefully I find some amazing plants along the way. Gotten really bored with all the medium buzz type weed I’ve been getting from my suppliers and wouldn’t mind have something that can make me feel mentally exhausted after coming down, a good brain work out💪


There was a really racy cut of that that floated around for a while. I don’t remember what it smelled like, though. It was a real ‘kicker’.

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paranoia is a physcosis you need delta 9 thc the only psychoactive agent in pot according to years of science , I also want paranoia!

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@Meesh 100% spot on! I also started smoking in the early 80s in So Cal. The Skunk’s ass smelling, absolute best bud I’ve ever smoked to this day was simply called “Humboldt” back then. True RKS. I smoked the sticky green, and the dark, frosty purple. Both smelled identical.

The other you mention as “Green Bud” we called “Lime Green”. I popped some 35 year old seed several years back, and rediscovered her. You are also correct in that it is similar to current Skunk #1. Also quite similar to Green Crack, and the modern day “Pineapple” (not Pineapple Express) is a dead ringer. Ours particularly was grown up near Mt. Baldy off the 215 high above Lytle Creek.

We also for several years running in the autumn got spongy, Christmas tree shaped, piney smelling bud from Fallbrook. Not as good as the Humboldt, but always a welcomed change of flavor.

There was also the occasional Chocolate Thai, and that could be very paranoia inducing. I found it again in the same old seed collection mentioned above. Flowered it for 14 weeks, shitty yielder, and terrible plant for indoor. But would get absolutely ripped off a few bong tokes for 4 1/2 hours.

Yes! That chemical tasting opium dipped Thai on the stick, whew! Not good cannabis, but the dip made it completely narcotic in effect.

Other than those treats, it was all Mexi back then. Only difference was how big of buds, how compressed, how moldy, or how much diesel fuel soaked through the packaging.


Yes. I remember even as a teenager in the 80’s the RKS aka Humboldt weed aka Skunk bud was still between 60 and 75 bucks an 1/8th. That shit was like gold especially as with our after school jobs, minimum wage was like $3.15 per hour. lol The green bud was more like $35 an 1/8th and Mexican brick was like 20 bucks. Weird how I remember these things. The prices haven’t changed much in 40 years. It’s unbelievable. I honestly believe what we called green bud and you called lime green was usually someone’s homegrown from a mexi bag seed and just tasted better without the seeds, and diesel fuel. lol

I don’t remember strain names coming in to play besides skunk bud until Indoor weed (indo) became a thing then it was the Chronic, Kush, Maui Wowie, White Widow and a few others best I can recall. Another funny thing I recall is the first time smoking Jack Herer as a middle aged woman… My boyfriend came over super excited with it saying that he loves it cuz it reminds him of old skool weed. Ick… it sure does… like mexican brick or dirt weed. lol At least to me it did. Earthy, hashy, tobacco like finish… I unlike him was not thrilled. Unlike the neverending search for the RKS of my youth, I happily can give up dirt weed forever and never miss it!

I keep coming back and editing this post cuz I could reminisce about this all day! Don’t think any of us knew there was a such thing as Indica, Sativa, hybrids etc… Usually as a teen the only time something like hash, thai sticks or honey oil came into play was with the older crowds who probably started smoking in the 60’s and 70’s with the bikers. sigh Good Times! Good Times!


Wow, you guys were paying way more than we were. The Humboldt in the IE was $60 1/4, or $400 per oz in 84-85. We thought that was expensive, but that bud was SOOOOOO worth it! Nothing on the planet right now comes close. I’ve had the OG and Chems, and their crosses get like 7 or 8 out of 10. Like with the Cheese you describe though, something is missing, it all falls short of the real deal. Motorbreath has gotten me closest probably to that Holy Grail Humboldt Skunk.

We paid $750 a lb. for the Lime Green, and moved several pounds per week for almost 2 years. Our QPs were $250, and down from there it was $100 an oz, $25 a 1/4, and $15 an 1/8. Same pricing as Mexi, for primo green bud. In hindsight, we sold that too cheap, but it made us the go to guys, best product, best prices.

You’re right, the green bud was just local bud, grown guerilla, handled and cured well. It may have been Mexican bag seed, but I tend to think ours was Skunk or Northern Lights type seed stock from Sacred, or perhaps Nevil’s earliest offerings. It was very consistent for 2 years until the grow was busted. I lean towards it being a hybrid, there was an undertone of skunky Indica buried under the citrus/fruity notes.

I was actually hip enough by reading High Times regularly to ascertain that the Humboldt was an Indica, and the Mexicans were a Sativa. But that’s about it. Information wasn’t really plentiful back then as you know! It wasn’t until around 89-90 that I first dabbled with growing anything out, with only marginal success. It was a great time in So Cal, quickly followed, and then overwhelmed by the crack and crystal scenes.


Speaking of hash and oil, we occasionally got the honey oil. Always nice to dip a few needle drops on your bong tokes, the original dabs!

We were the privileged sole purveyors from 85 to 86 when we got busted, of some exquisite Afghani black hash. It was gold stamped bricks in red cellophane. The stamp was circular. It had a machine gun in the middle, on top of the circle it said “Smoke Russia Away”. On the bottom “Afghanistan 1974”. Turns out a guy who got busted in the 70s got out and had a cache of it hidden. He had no network or contacts until he met a crew of punk rock, thug kids already immersed in the biz. When we got busted in June of 86 and made Channel 7 News, they got the last 12 oz of that hash I ever laid eyes on, along with lots of other stuff. There will never be hash like that again!

Sorry for hijack @RedOctober, back to the search for paranoia varietals!


Brazilian, Trippy, … Santa Maria! Is that you? She is most deffinatly trippy! I wonder what the other half could be…that brings frosty paranioa to the trip.


We got that here in Toronto all through the 80s my bro’s older brother was a high ranking biker.We got a 1/4lb each for chopping up 25lbs and we got pounds at $1600.The hash was so smooth and tasty.Only ours was a gold stamp saying Afghani Freedom Fighters.Had an amazing soft moldable texture to it.


@SmknCanuck I remember that same hash . Plenty of it around in the GTA back in the 80s that’s for sure .

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Yep remember in 84 i was 16 going fishing with my dad at 4am, and on the radio they annouced the siezure of 450 tons of afghani gold seal hash in nova scotia.Gasped when i heard that.It was great stuff in the 80s for sure


Yup but swazi, well in its current form, is probably the least para inducing one. I don’t even bother smoking the local landraces anymore because of it. (I’m in South Africa)

I’ve seen a guy dab a bunch of the local landrace and it made him go haywire…and not in a good way. Probably the only time I’ve ever told someone they needed to stop smoking weed before it fucks them up more.


That’s what I’m worried about, I haven’t smelt the sweet caramel smell of Swazi like I used to know it for many years now.

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Actually I realize now my previous post is a bit vague there. The local landraces like transkei and durban poison as so paranoia inducing I dont smoke them. The swazi is still a bit like that but its pretty much a hybrid now.
Not a very nice feeling imo.


I remember back when lids (ounce)were all $10.00. They had match boxes I think were $2.50. Then Columbian gold and red sold for fifty bucks. Meshmacohn was like $15.00. The Columbian has a great smell. All the other weed was Mexican. Good pot back then was 2 people could smoke a whole joint and get high and not so good 2 joints. As I got older I didn’t smoke near as frequently because when I did I would start worrying about everything “paranoid “. I never realized it might the weed and not me. I will pay more attention to the effects of each strain going forward. Thanks for the enlightenment bro’s. :sunglasses:


Ahh those were the days. Green bud sensi columbian gold blond lebanese I was fortunate ehuf to be stationed in Lebanon in the 80s never got caught there hehehe memories tucked in the corners of my mind…


once we had these two strains one was a creeper the other was extreme paranoia we use to mix them and smoke them ,man was that fun! would of been late 60’s early 70’s

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