It's allll about humidity




Yeah baby! Now that’s Rap!

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Oooops. I thought this was the what are you listening to?
My bad


This may give a little extra insight as to why the plants like the humidity higher than what was traditionally believed.


ya just because i didn’t have any extra ducting and it’s not really necessary, the humidity doesn’t get too high unless i have lots of big plants in there, but i just leave the zipper open on the bottom of the door (plus various exhaust ports open) and it stays pretty good


Wow! To me that’s amazing! My exhaust fans run on high 24/7.


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in my veg i usually only have one or two 5 gallon smart pots and the rest are solo cups and 4" square pots, although its getting kinda full cause i shut down flower for a bit to deal with a pollen situation from light leaks

i was going to do a 1 plant per week perpetual with 8-9 five gallon pots in my 4x4 but decided to do every 2 weeks and run 5 plants max instead, although i’m going to try flowering my plants smaller and see if thats more efficient for me, then maybe do 9 three gallon pots … not sure


That’s what I do in my 4X4. 9 plants in 3 gal pots. Gets crowded towards the end but my medication needs are “significant”. :sunglasses:
