J-Ickys Ancestral Skunk Run

First welcome to the forum.

When you grew your out did you have any issues with hermies. I only got 2 females and neither have shown any signs of herming, but a lot of people who claim to have grown have said they had major issues with the girls herming.


I know I did. All of them had, at least, late flowering intersex. One had a few male flowers on the lower node that seeded my whole crop. All of them were sweet with maybe some skunky undertones. I, ended up making it all into hash.


Thanks for chiming in. You were one of the people I know had experience growing it and have actually been wondering what kinda herming you experienced.
So far so good on my 2 and they only have a couple weeks left tops since I forgot to switch my timers back and they’ve been flowering on 11/13 the whole time.

Well I’ll keep my eyes peeled and see what happens and I’ll be sure to update if I do find some male parts


Thank you. Since you brought it up, yes! Actually, 1 out of my final 11 hermed before I introduced pollen. I isolated that one in a tent and let it make some S1 seed, and bred the other 10. Those S1 seeds may all be junk, but since the Ancestral Skunk was a one time shot for me, I thought “why not?”.


Well they were both chopped last night. Forgot to take pics before they came down. But do to them being on a 11/13 light cycle they apparently only needed 8 weeks. Trichomes were mostly cloudy with some amber and some clear still, which is how I prefer my stuff.

Thankfully neither hermed on me so that should be a good sign for those seeds I sent out. Although I’ll still keep an eye when I do the final trim in the next week or so, just because we all know sometimes a herm can hide itself well.


Well while doing the trimming I did not see a single nanner or pollen sac, but on Mom#1 I found she had started to mold on a good amount of her buds. So instead of getting roughly 3oz from her I will end up with about a 1/2 oz. And it all happened post harvest as the dry chamber was steadily 70%+ humidity and couldn’t get it above 65f.
Mom #2 was fine but she also was the one that grew clumps of stringy buds, very airy.


If the #2 wasn’t airy it might have moulded up instead. I sometimes get buds that go airy in the drying process, :unamused:

Do you have a small fan in your drying chamber to move the air around if it gets to humid :thinking:


I’m working on that now, I’ve just germinated 15 seeds and got 8 to grow.
The remaining ones won’t even be used. I’m looking to IBL a solid performing genetic line.

This one will be cloned and revegged.
I may use genomic testing as well.

It’s currently being crossed into a new genetic this harvest. :dove: