Perpetual grow (skunk hunt)

Hi to all, my first post and I wanted to kinda introduce myself and hopefully make some friends with similar interest. I have stayed away from the internet for many years as I was extremely scared to even Google the word marijauna. My state has went legal but I’m always and forever paranoid because of the way I had to live for so many years. I was on the forums back in the 90s on weedbase, cannabisworld etc. My first experience ordering seeds was from a company called laughing moon . Never received my order. Then I found heavens stairway and some banks in Europe that I had 100 percent success with! Afghan #1 from sensi, cali orange from will jack seeds, dj shorts blueberry, green giant from bros grimm are just a few I ran back in the day. Things have really changed since then and I’m trying to navigate in this strange new world. I have an old cut of jack I’ve been running for years. That’s all I have left from back in the day. Everything else I run is new. I grow perpetually so I can harvest 2 plants a week. I try to always grow something new. I have been hunting for true skunk like so many others for years. I always come up empty handed. I’m still searching and won’t stop, it was my favorite strain from back then and it was the one that helped me me medically the most. I’d like to make this a diary of my perpetual skunk hunt and grows if that’s cool with everyone? I run other strains than “skunk” of course. I’d really like to get into some more landraces. Here’s a few pics of what I have going now !(upload://nWWKLAU8wN258Skin55N4i8khkk.jpeg)


Welcome to OG. You got a nice diary going.



Welcome In @Darkride good luck with your hunt.


Welcome aboard @Darkride, you’ll find OG members are generous individuals.


welcome@Darkride enjoy


I appreciate the warm welcome! Thought I would start off with a few lines I just popped. One is from Kentucky organics which is culvertown skunk x afghan/Burmese and Kentucky purple x culvertown skunk. The next line is from ak bean brains and it is old school skunk. Heard great things about both. I’m chasing a very smelly skunk spray. There is a lot of talk of roadkill skunk and when I hear that term I have no clue what it is. When I was young we would get what was called skunk bud or just skunk. It smelled to the tee like getting doused in a healthy heaping of skunk spray. I will grow these out for a while in small cups. Under small leds at the moment.


:fireworks: :fireworks: “WELCOME!!” :fireworks: :fireworks: Stick around, please…I MIGHT be able to assist you on “dat Skunk ( :skunk:) Hunt”!! Just sayin’, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :fireworks: :fireworks: “WELCOME!!” :fireworks: :fireworks: :fireworks:


you’re 100% in the right place.

if you don’t already know @Mithridate, seems like you guys might be growmies in the future…

nice-looking old-school plants are always good, will be sticking around. :sunglasses:


Thanks for the tag @noknees

Looking good already :ok_hand: @Darkride
I’m also on a quest for the old skunk, sometimes I think I’m close, sometimes I think I’m fooling myself :joy:

I’ll be watching!


Hell yea! Welcome. I’m not as active as I’d like to be due to such a busy schedule, but it’s nice when I do get on OG I see posts like this. I also run a perpetual garden and am always on the search for a Skunk that checks my boxes. Happy growing! :metal::seedling:


I’ll definitely try to update at least once a week. Definitely any help is always appreciated!


I might add it to my bookmarks! I hope you manage to find that skunk. Unfortunately, I didn’t try the original skunk, but what I tried seemed to me like another Afghani hybrid, absolutely typical and boring

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Welcome to the OG @Darkride !

Your bud pic looks great :metal:

I see you got the old error…Uploading: 3A08CFC6-79D9-409C-B5D2-A1AD84F2DFBC.jpeg… Uploading: 3BFB4EAF-8A03-4440-9411-405C936035C5.jpeg.

If you would like to re-upload those missing pics you can click on the pencil at the bottom of your post to edit your post. image

Just re-upload your images… But you have to wait until the images show on your screen before hitting the image

Guarantee we have all hit the reply button before the image has uploaded a time or two.

Yep! I do :green_heart: me some Cannaporn :call_me_hand:

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I’m just about to harvest these two plants from my flowering room. I harvest two plants a week because I have an endless line of perpetual plants going. I’m definitely gonna focus on the new seeds I popped but thought this would be cool to show as they go along with my skunk hunt. So here we have two phenos of krhs. The one on the left grows damn near flat. Would be ideal for a scrog situation imo. Structure of the buds on the right will probably be more “attractive” but the one on the left is much more “terpy”. I ran 14 of these so far and weeded out ones I didn’t care for. I will run each I’ve kept another time to see who will make that cut. These are f2’s made by oldschoolchronic from Kentucky organics gear. I do have Kentuckys original beans I’m vegging now so there will be lots to choose from. Hopefully a real :skunk:. Not roadkill! I’m only looking for a true skunk spray.


A little over a week later and they are slowly growing. In small cups at the moment. I like to grow them in this size until the roots get nice and full then I will transfer them over to the larger cups, then one gallons. I take my time, no rush. The larger ones are Kentucky organics line of some local skunk from eastern Kentucky. The smaller ones are ak bean brains old school skunk.


i do that also but i use clear solo cups and put em in red ones so i can keep an eye one the root groth

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That’s a good idea!

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As far as buying skunk types, one of the cheapest is ‘Mark’ from Strainly. He sells all seeds for 1 each, message and he has a huge list of skunk crosses not on the site he will send you to choose from. He even sends before he receives payment and always sends extra. Good guy, good genetics


So every skunk plant I grew from Kentucky organics were unfortunately male. I tossed them as I just have no use for them. I’m hoping some of these old school skunk from ak bean brains will turn out female. I have 7 in small cups that I will transfer. To larger cups in a couple of days.


No one in the americas has skunk. Sorry. It’s been patented by a giant non Marijuana plant breeder who hasn’t entered the Marijuana market in official capacity, and won’t be working with the US market. I don’t even share with dying pensioners anymore because young American punks will likely rob and murder for a bagseed of pure skunk if they sniff it out. Alot of these fraud breeders would vindicate themselves through murder and theft.

Anyone who actually had skunk would be rushing to beat marker assist. US breeders were claiming to have skunk before we ever characterized the gene. Now we have a plant with over a dozen copies and are developing a heavy metal free fertilizer to express all copies fully, and still no competitors with even a pure mids grade skunk. Not even brick grade skunk. All tainted with botanical terpenes, flaws by our standard. Only a bunch of rushing to capitalize on hype and lies in America. Bidenville. Trumpistan. Land of incompetent professionals. The American community offers up nothing but lies and half truths so that’s what they’re given back in the US. There are greenhouses in the unpopulated middle of nowhere full of pure skunk, and no one will be permitted to grow it in America. It’s been removed from that culture as punishment for their role in the world’s affairs, right up to and including the manipulated legalization process.

Did you know, the skunk smell comes from the same pathway as the hay smell? I’ve seen breeders in the US start up fake seed companies to offload their bad shit just to fund testing for terpene synthesis. Skunk, and every other interesting volatile in Cannabis, is a lipoxygenase product… Obviously…