Jack herer and white rhino from Azseaindooin420, show the grows

Man that would be amazing, I don’t have the same address for receiving mail as you know what happens last time. I’ll dm you my new mailing address.
Thanks again



I meant to get some beans from you…I was kinda embarrassed I didn’t ask before your absence. Anyway bro, I’d love to try some if you still got em! :smiley:



Omg I’ve been looking everywhere for those is there any left?

I had a buddy call me earlier he got some white rhino from his guy and found a bagseed. He asked if I’d grow it sometime lol

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Sure is but gonna have to stay and hang out a while and get to know some peeps before I consider sending any, 1st post on the first day already looking for seeds isnt a good look on this site. Maybe go pop into the introduce yourself thread and say hello to the wonderful community we have here


I grew some Jack Herer from @AzSeaindooin420 outdoors this year.
Popped 6, killed two (busy season, rough conditions for the seedlings). Four survived, 2 female, 2 male kept all 4. I let the males lightly pollenate my yard early on. One tall stretchy pheno, one short squat stinky pheno. I killed the boy’s once the girls flower cycle really got started in early August.

One girl was light green and more vigorous, got bigger much faster, but also went into flower at transplant outside, and then untimely re-veg. She didn’t quite get to finish before bud mold took hold.

The other girl was slower and never got very big, but she has not had much of any mold issue and she recently took on a nice black coloring. Smells of pungent earth and spice.


Well it certainly was a female and a very sweet scented one too.
Many thanks @AzSeaindooin420💚l


Hey everybody when I first joined up @AzSeaindooin420 sent me a pack of Jack Herer and White Rhino. Earlier this year a friend of mine was grace enough to lend one of his breeding tents for an open pollination white rhino run and this is a look at how some of it went. He separated each pack of seeds based on the mom’s traits and we used a tall male that had a tighter structure and another that flowered fast and was shorter and more indica dominant in appearance. I don’t want to take credit for this run in any way or form other than having supplied him with these white rhino seeds that were gifted to me and that I’d like to share with the community if anyone is interested. I still have a stack of envelopes from some time in February that I need to send out so a trip to the post is in my future. If you’re on Ig and would like to follow and support the person actually responsible for the seed run I’ve put a screenshot of his IG!
