Hypothetically “if it were my grow”

A little about me, I dont like huge crowds, never been one to be in the forefront of people.
I have limited knowledge on the growing of plants but I can get a plant from seed to bud, but was never able to get past that. I moved from renting a duplex with 2xs a year inspection to now owning our 1st home. AND STILL UNABLE to fully grow as nature intervened. Too many people in and out doing inspections and repairs its been difficult to start anything without having to give away or destroy the plants that have much invested time into them.
Such a wind out of the sail scenario.
I just recently got a moment to try and covertly start a few seeds aiming for the 1st time a complete grow?! Once the inspector comes out to certify windows and doors are correctly installed no one else needs to be in the house unless I let them.
I served in US military as an Engineer and enjoyed my job but :point_right::point_up_2::point_down::point_left: those type of individuals and I never get along. It took me a while,a very expen$ive experience I have been through. I lost ranks, finances, and even time, but at the end of the day they knew where I stood.
I would love to grow good smoke and learn while doing. All with intent to save my money from the dispos and have it at home. Of course HYPOTHETICALLY!! If it were my grow!
If you can bare with the slow start and primative setups, things will get faster and more interesting. Plants need to be very fluid like at the moment.
I hope to interact with like minded people! I have already met a few.


Here is what I would have soaking at the moment.


Do you have a place for a hidden room?


Yes a large closet thats at least 6x6. Added a lock for those needed moments.


Awesome! That’s a great size space. You have room to build a false wall if you’re really concerned.

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What type of lights will you be using?

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I have three. Vivosun, two ac-infinities. One ionboard and the other a commercial bar 2x4 or 2x3. Im not great with models, watts or anything like that.


Neither am I, but they sound impressive!

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I dunno about impressive but they are all i have.

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The LEDs will keep the heat down.

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Looks hypothetically delightful!


If youve only got one room I would go for a 12/12 seed to harvest perpetual grow. Keep plant numbers low to maybe 4 to 5 in case of babylon. Put 1 in every 3 weeks and crop one every 3 weeks. It will give you enough smoke, also variety and if there is legal issues your only growing 5 plants. Under a 250 led with ventilation in good soil you should easily pull 2 oz a plant.


Ive been struggling with beans not opening up and after reading hours of forum chats I am trying my hand at the scrub and h2o2 dunk. Ive also had some that sprouted really strange, like with one rounded leaf and nothing else and just stunted at 3”. Others with very weak growth that I had to toss. I have one just sitting lonely outside intermingling with some garden veggies.


Well thank you!


So 12/12 you say? Then that means only autos will work on that schedule correct?

I feel ya… I had my 1st successful grow last year… and before it was finished I got evicted because the place got sold
It was nothing short of heartbreaking… and I couldn’t imagine going through that multiple times… where there’s a will there’s a way my friend… I moved and just got my setup built in the house I’m in now… so I’m extremely excited and a bit nervous… I hope you finally find a way to succeed @Rmevet


Thats where I live at the moment! Babylon. Haha. I was going for easy until inspections are complete! Then I will have a normal size bedroom 10x12 that will be open to most possibilites.

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“12/12 from seed” only means you’re bypassing the normal “Veg Period”. As the plant(s) grow, they will start their own flowering when reaching that stage. Not to be confused with “Autos” which don’t depend on a “Defined” Light Cycle. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I can relate. Im in that emotional state at the moment. Congratulations on your successfull grow!

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No, you can grow autos on it but its not advised. You use feminised or regular seeds and grow them from seed under a 12/12 light. They will grow for about 3 to 4 weeks then go into flower . They will be ready from 8 to 10 weeks after they first show signs of flower.(strian dependant) So from seed to flower to chop in a total of about 12 ish weeks. No need for autos unless you like burning electric.

These are my current plants grown under 12/12 from seed in soil.