Jack’s for clones and cuttings

Anyone used it for new clones or cuttings? At what point after planting rooted cubes in media do you switch to grow feed?
I’m wondering how it does for feeding bonsai moms and giving new rooted cubes a push for growth spurt to be ready to up pot for veg etc.

I don’t use jacks but I don’t feed until I see roots, I let them cannibalize a lower leaf or two, and then do half strength for a bit :+1:


Jacks works great for me in rockwool or coco. I feed my clones the 321 mixture at 250ppm and as soon as they root I transplant and start feeding 700ppm. …they don’t need to be transplanted before upping the ppm’s, they just need to have some healthy rootage happening.


This… I’ve always tried to keep it easy until some root-mass develops… They just don’t have the capacity to push the nutrients or really the need until that point…


Yeah I think you could argue that a little early ferts is good but I clone in a bubbler and IME adding nutes to it is a bad idea.

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I use Jack’s Part A at .1g / cup pH of 5.6 for my cuttings until I see roots. Grodan rockwool cubes.
7-13 days I usually have roots and switch over to low strength A&B.


Thanks for all the inputs. Still always trying to find ways to improve and keeping bonsai moms going for 6-8 months plus seems to be a pain anymore after doing it for years. I always refer back to that old guide that’s been around for years about cutting roots off and refilling pots but seems the easiest way is just to replace them after 4-6 months.

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I use Jack’s 20-20-20, I just cut back to 1/4 to 1/5 the nutrients after I have root growth and they are ready to be planted in the medium at any point there after. hope this helps? this is my process, any ways?


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