Has anyone ever used Jack's 20-20-20 all purpose for mother plants?

Looking for a 1-1-1 ratio for mother plants. Anyone ever use Jack’s all purpose 20-20-20? Seems to have a lot of good reviews but I’m concerned about the lack of calcium and magnesium. Who uses it and, do you add cal/mag or anything to it first. thanks in advance.

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Currently using it now…not adding anything with it.


I can snap some pics of some plants in 5 x 5 pots being fed with it that look perfectly healthy. 1 teaspoon per gallon every feed. Easy peasy

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I’m just wondering if the lack of cal/mag would be an issue cause I’m using Coco coir. Guess I could add some cal-mag to it. Don’t want to have to order a whole bag of cal- nit and Epsom for a few moms.

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Are you using Coco?

Im in a mix of promix bx, roots original, and perlite. So i cant comment on your situation. The one time i ran coco it was in hempys with gh 3 part.

I would think that with the proper lighting(low wattage) the 20 20 20 would be sufficient no matter the medium. T5s are my go to for moms and clones but im actually using a cali light works veg master 90 watt led blurple fixture for my moms because my t5 would not fit in the mom tent. My plants are looking very healthy under it and i have always read and been told that the blurple leds will make your plants want more cal/mag for what its worth.

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I’m currently using this 30 watt LED light by Monios-l. Want to grab 2 more off Amazon but, they are out of stock at the moment and not sure when they’ll be back in.



It that a 2 x 4 tent?

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It’s a 3×4 2 in 1. Veg side is 1×3 and, the flower side is 3×3.


IDK @SeymourGreen. Might be a deficiency of some sort on this dazzleberry. Doesnt show up until the camera flash hits it.


Looks like the start of a magnesium deficiency. Are they being fed the Jack’s?

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Yes sir…

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Shes also in need of an up plant. Been living in a 5 x5 pot for far too long.

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That’s one of the things I like about Coco. You can grow trees in 1 gallon containers. I have 4 month old plants in 16 oz cups. To be honest they could use an up potting lol!


I honestly dont ph my water at all. So, that is probably part of the issue.

Ive been lazy with root pruning here lately. Usually i take cuts even when not needed and just trash them along with trimming the roots every so often.

I always wanted to have the products on hand so I went ahead and ordered some blue planet silica blast and blue planet cal/mag on amazon prime.


Heres my covid cup entry. Tall girl.