Jacksprat African Autos

Now four weeks for the Malawi and Zamaldelica (Ace Seeds), almost three weeks for Mint Julep (freebees). 3 gallon soil in fiber bags, mostly AN nutrients. 300w LED @ 20-30". Plants are dry in these pics. Will feed / water later.

Zamaldelica- rear left and right corners. Mint Julep- Front left. Malawi- front left, center and rear center.


Was that Mint Julep one of the Speakeasy freebies from Twenty20?

Can you provide some additional pictures of the Zamaldelica? I plan on running this soon. Four weeks into flower? How long did you veg. and what kind of stretch did you get?
Edit: missed the auto part, mine are photos.


Thanks, Tejas.
I hope to be able to upload photos each week until harvest. Good luck with your grow.

Yut, they were from Speakeasy. I started them after one Zamaldelica didn’t sprout. I have two in a pot, which I usually wouldn’t do but… I did.


Three Malawi x NL autos

Two Mint Julep

Two Zamaldelica


two little Mint Julep Autos at 75 days. Pretty close!


Malawi x NL Auto back row, Zamaldelica auto front left and right, Mint Juleps center with amaryllis blossoms. At about 70 days in this photo I expect the Africans to go another couple of weeks to 90-95 days.


Auto Malawi x NL
Auto Zamaldelica
Auto Mint Julep
Mint Julep were runts but very potent! The Africans are also good. I have left them to cure in jars for a few weeks yet.


Nice looking plants and end resulting buds! :star_struck:

Neat grow journal too! 🪴

Have a great day! :+1:t2:

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smoking malawi x northern lights from that batch. Good, red bud.

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