James' lil Octo-Burner. One 2x2 Tent. One Octopot. One BIG-ASS light to rule it all!

Felt a little bit motivated when I got home, so I cleared out all the crap I’ve had in this tent for the past month or so… AC Infinity fan boxes and other stuff.
Also received a couple more cameras from LaView. These are fixed mount and have magnets built in.
They are non-adjustable, but this one is working out too slick!

Here she is in all her emptyness…

Here’s the view from the new upper cam. Should be a great view centered on the plant!

Here’s view from lower camera looking up. You can see the upper camera in the center by the seam.
The light is .5" from hitting exhaust, its staying right where it is. All light intensity at different stages will be controlled by changing levels 1-10.

Last shot is from outside front of tent

Controller 69 hooked up and fully functional as well