James' Money-Pit Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Octopot!

:boom: :boom:BIG Announcement :boom: :100:

It has been decided…
James’ Money-Pit’ next pair of willing victims is a test grow that Im just pumped about!

Octo-Wowie! or is it Octo-Powie? :crazy_face: Powie-Octo-Wowie! Courtesy of @BobbyBudz

These strains really caught my eye, and Im super-excited to be a part of the test group.

Heres the link:

When Blue Dream and Skywalker OG harvest and go into the Cannatrol, 2 of these strains are going in next. Cant wait!

This will also mark my second grow with the RainScience Grow Bags with Octopot, assuming all goes well in that current 2x2.5 grow. No reason to think not.

Im not sure which strains I’ll be getting, or how many of each, but I’d love to have them in rotation. I can even devote the Octo-Burners next 2x2 grow. Sounds like some really cool stuff, and again I couldnt be more excited!

Thanks again BobbyBudz for this opportunity…
If my calculations are correct, when these babys hit Octopot… you’re gonna see some serious shit. :100: -Doc Brown