James' Money-Pit Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Octopot!

Damn. Thats more than a bit away.
Cool thing about Vegas is… Its Fucking VEGA$ Baby! At some point, everyone passes through Vegas.

I caught up with old friends and acquantances because Im in vegas. Its a nice “hub”. Everyone comes here at some point!

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I’m more of an outdoor farmer. Probably be overwhelmed by the Ole denzion of debauchery.


Its funny and pretty sad, you can be a funtional alcoholic and no one cares, totally socially acceptable… But smoke a bit of weed EVEN in Vegas, and still get “the look”.
Hashpants, were all sinners for partaking. Youll fit right in. Stop by for a spell, see a show :thinking:

Debauchery central is calling :rofl:


Happy Thursday!

Peeked in on the girls last night and they need water/nutes. Gonna give Skywalker whats left in the 5 gallon… I think maybe 1.5-2 Gallons. Gotta mix a couple gallons for Blue Dream as well. Carry her thru to this weekends Week 9 feeding.

Gonna check Trichomes again by the weekend and decide if Im going to feed Skywalker, or just give her ph’d RO water.
Plan is to harvest Skywalker next weekend. So this weedend through next week is likely a No-Nute week for her.
If thats the case, Im going to do an early fan leaf removal prior to harvest. Haven’t done that before, but see good things about it. Might be a good Sunday project :100:

I wish that I could turn down the light a bit for Skywalker OG, but Blue Dream needs it now to thicken up and do her thing.

Plucking leafs is addictive , reminds me of biting nails
: )

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Dude, I looked at it for more than a minute or two last night… rotating the grow bag. Then rotate the other direction, just looking to see what kind of move would make sense.

Just gonna go for it once its time. Ive got a plan, and it may be easier to remove earlier than during trim.

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Here’s some photos from yesterday evening. Moving along nicely!

Colors coming on to Sywalker faster :arrow_down: and faster :arrow_up:. Plan is to pull her next Saturday for harvest!

Yesterday was a feeding for both Skywalker and Blue Dream. Athena Schedule week 8/9 for Skywalker which is NO CaMg. 4mL for Bloom A&B. PK 10mL. If Skywalker needs anything more, I’m just going to give her PH’d RO water.

Custom blend based on my gut, and complete lack of experience for willing victim - Blue Dream…with lots of PK. Kinda forgot amounts :crazy_face: Came out to 2.0 EC


I’ve had the odd seed in plants grown from fem seeds over the years. I think there’s been a little bit of localised hermie action, a small cluster of male flowers, and it self pollinates in that one small area. The few that I’ve had and grown have been girls too.

It’s all looking pretty amazing in there mate. I’m enjoying seeing the nute numbers as I often mix things up wrong myself and add more water to dilute it or just go for it and have a few days worry. I checked my runoff last week, I was feeding 1.8 and the runoff in coco was 3.0 so I figure they can handle it. Anyway I figured I was overfeeding so flushed for 2 days and dropped to 1.6. I’ll see if the runoff has dropped tomorrow.

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From tonight…


Not much tent time this weekend. Light level 8 effective immediately.

Out doing Mother’s Day stuff, but hope to get another look at trichomes today. Looked at them I think Friday night just after lights out, and there is a substantial amount of Amber trichomes in the top colas of Skywalker…To a lesser degree with blue dream. Without a doubt pulling Skywalker this coming weekend for Harvest and moving to Cannatrol.


Here’s Monday morning in-tent cam shots…

Day 58 Flower. Day 2 of Week 9.

Skywalker is Done. If I coulda pulled her this past weekend, I would have. No time.
She’s flying too close to the sun…

I swear the Ballpark Frank people were in on Blue Dream development…
Blue Dream plumps when you cook 'em! :fire:
Look at the size :arrow_down: of those freakin colas! :arrow_down:

Blue Dream still looking fairly casual, but trichomes getting toasty…

Blue Dream has a few gallons in the res… :arrow_down: :arrow_down: :arrow_down:

Come Hell or High-water, Skywalker is harvesting this coming weekend. :100:
Blue Dream week after that, most likely. Did not get to check Trichomes this past weekend.

Lamp on level 8 for a bit now. Thats about all I can do for Skywalker. :roll_eyes:

Blue Dream will have the luxury of a bit more final care, since Skywalker will be taking up short term residency in my Cannatrol unit soon enough.
While Skywalker OG is being “Cannatrolled” into something vapable/smokeable, I’m able to give Blue Dream all she needs to be all that and a bag of chips…

May swap out water in Skywakers res to pure pH’d RO water tonight. May not.

Strike that last statement, lol. Looks like she’s done. PH’d RO water tonight, for sure!


Has their drinking subsided any. Just curious.

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Slowing down, but still drinking. Skywalker was fed days before…
Blue Dream slowing now, as well. Turned the lamp down from 10 to 8 days ago and that will affect the drinking.


From Monday evening…

Fields of Blue… Dream, that is! With an OG background.


Trichome Tuesday!

Skywalker OG Kush is so beyond ready…

Fields of Amber on those top colas. Gets mellower as you move down…

And here’s Blue Dream…


Tuesday’s in-tent cam shots…

Really loving the color expressions :arrow_up: and fade :arrow_down: that I’m getting from Skywalker

This shot :arrow_down:really shows the contrast between Blue Dream and Skywalker OG along with that beautiful magenta to yellow fade. Lovin it!

Skywalker is probably on the last of the water I’ll be giving her. Yesterday gave her 2 gallons of 6.0 PH RO water.

Blue Dream should be good thru tomorrow. I may mix some nutes for her tonight. Already have 10 Gallons of RO water made, so I’m ready for Blue Dreams final feedings along with LSD going into Flower this weekend in my Mini-Pit grow


Happy Hump-Day!
Day 60 Flower, Week 9…

Todays in-tent Cam Shots

And a few from last night…
Field of Blue Dream with a splash of Skywalker showing her colors :fire: :fire:

And showing off Skywalker

Damn colorful in there!




Thursdays in-tent cam shots… Flower Day 61. Week 9

Blue Dream getting low :arrow_down: and will feed tonight. Gonna add PK in addition to regular nutes.

Skywalker is getting low, :arrow_down: but think I may just let it ride til harvest on Saturday


A few glamour shots…

This one :arrow_up: above is this one down :arrow_down: here under supplemental lighting