James' Money-Pit Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Octopot!

This looks like Phosphorus to me: icon_e_confused|nullxnull

The other could be PM, maybe you can trim that leaf and take a better picture, what’s your RH? beer3|nullxnull


Definitely not powdery mildew. Let’s not start a panic. LOL.
Must be some kind of weird reflections. I had some funky lighting going on last night with the main light turned off and the light bars turn on underneath. Was also wearing headlamp along with lighter glasses.
It gets some weird lighting effect and shading because light coming from three different sources.

I’m definitely concerned about mold and powdery mildew, but more down below the canopy where everything is rubbing together.
I’m doing checks pretty much daily.


You follow my grow, I’m constantly pHing! Lol.

I just fed blue dream last night. Gave her pretty high EC. Leaf tips are down, but I’m going to see if she rides through it.

Just to be doubly sure, I checked pH again. Right where it should be…6-6.1

Last night’s week 8 custom blend feeding was just past the third marker. She has drank probably close to a gallon.
PH right now is basically same as it was when I fed her yesterday. She’s drank short of a full gallon. So, if pH has not gone down or up wouldn’t that indicate a fairly even nutrient uptake?


I know you check your mix pH all the time just was curious as the reservoir empties hadn’t noticed those measurements

Glad you don’t think it’s PM… that’s a relief :sunglasses:


I constantly worry about mold and powdery mildew. Any time I see white on the leaves, it makes me think…
I was actually looking at a huge cluster of trichomes on Skywalker yesterday almost had the appearance of webbing, but it was pure trichomes.

At least the humidity is starting to come down just a tad.


I’ll keep an eye out for that in the next day or two. Wouldn’t think I would have deficiencies, but I have heard Blue Dream can be extremely hungry.
I just gave her a very hot feeding yesterday, so going to see what happens with that.

Definitely appreciate the advice.!
I’ll check and see which Athena nutrients deals with more phosphorus. I believe it’s going to be my PK additive. I just gave a bunch of that during this last hot feeding


Hey guys! So here’s Sunday…

Did Week 8 Athena feeding for Skywalker. Knocking nutes down big time, but PK holding strong. 1.3EC

Took some more leaves from mostly Blue Dream…

Topped off Blue Dreams nutes… Both girls filled up to third mark+


Hey Guys, Happy Monday!

So it looks like Skywalker OG is going to go for another week or two. Probably harvest week 9 or 10. The way Blue Dream is going, Im thinking week 11 or 12, unless things speed up from here.

Would work out wonderfully if it happened that way.
Could do separate runs in the Cannatrol, because I think there may be too much material to harvest and run in one shot. Blue Dream colas are getting big and THICK. She’s gonna need some space.

Here’s some digital microscope pics I took this weekend. Def need more time…
No rhyme or reason… its a jumblefuck of images.

Lots of trichome coverage on both Blue Dream and Skywalker. Neither ready on this Day 1 of Week 8
in Flower.

Really thinking of taking Skywalker down the weekend of the 18th… do a full wet trim, then into the Cannatrol with @Jetdro settings 68F and 53.5 DP with slope for Dry Stage, same for Cure Stage and Hold Stage.
I’ll extend the Dry for 6 days and Cure for a bit longer, unless Blue Dream is ready, then Skywalker will go to Grove Bags.
Otherwise, harvest Blue Dream when she’s ready a week or two later.
Blue Dreams pistils are taking a while to change color, but they are starting to move along.

Trichomes for both are mostly milky, with minimal scattered amber, and many clear.


Might be a good time to see if anyone has any educated guesses as to how much each of these girls will pull based on what we’ve seen to this point…
Im sure its over a pound total.

At first, I thought Skywalker would kill Blue Dream due to the missing arm and all, but Blue Dream is getting so…Big.
Skywalker is taking over 60% or more of the space, but my lil Dreamer is getting some bigger buds.

Until Smell-o-Vision hits, I’m the only one that can really know whats going on in this tent, but I try to give good info and pics along the ride…

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Dude, those trichomes are sparkling!

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Thanks, Herbs!
Tough to get good lighting on those.

Is there 10 wet pounds there. Just guessing maybe drying and clipping leaves 10 percent yield ?

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Whatever a freaking jungle weighs… Its tight in there, for sure.

Bud-porn Tuesday
Week 8, Day 52 Flower. Looking good!:100:

Skywalker is just painted in trichomes :100:

Twice as sexy…

Blue Dream looking damn fine

Blue Dream is now showing a good mix of off-white and orange hairs. She’s moving right along

Hoping Im on a schedule now.
The “Soft Plan” at this point is harvest Skywalker next weeked, and at the same time, give Blue Dream some extra room to finish for the next week or two after that.
Of course, this is all subject to change based on Trichomes, etc. For all I know, Blue Dream could speed up and finish at same time.
Gotta remind myself, these two started from seeds and can do whatever they want. Im just here for the ride.


Tuesdays in-tent cam shots

Skywalkers side…

Blue Dreams side…

Really terrible upper cam photo. Not super-impressed with the new upper cam quality.

Liking these numbers :100:
Decent temp and RH in the Money Pit$…


Hey guys! Happy Hump :dromedary_camel: day!
This is Day 99 from First Light… Day 53 Flower

Sleepy-time numbers higher than what I’d like, but what can a guy do? Could be worse…

Stans just a little too playful at 6:30am! He’s already had breakfast and telling me to get up and get on!

Here’s the last of my Taildragger. She was one of the 5 plants I harvested in my first Money-Pit grow back in August of 23. Level low light on for all of them. They will be gone soon, and they will be missed.

Last two nuggets are 10Grams. And just around 3-4 Grams of small nugs in the container going with me to work today.

Thats her, Top Right.

Funny thing is, she was the smallest pull of that grow at 2.7 ounces, if I recall. Super-dense nugs with that perfect amount of “give” when you squeeze. Just found a seed in a nug I was prepping for vaping yesterday. First seed I’ve found in any of my stuff from first grow.

Would this seed be the same as what I grew? Or just a random Taildragger genetics? And if mommy was a Feminized seed, would this seed be Female as well?

Kinda funny, the guy who gave me the first plants including Taildragger, had a seed contamination on his grow. Not sure what happened. I used same clone as him. He ended up selling his Taildragger batch at “all the seeds you can handle” pricing just to get rid of it. :rofl:


Wanted to put this out there. Im not selfish about genetics. If Im growing something, and its the right time during grow… feel free to ask for cuts. If youre local to Vegas, or close enough and willing to drive, I’m willing to share :100:

I know things can get tight, and just getting hands on a cut or decent seed can be tough. Some sell for so freaking much. $200+ for a cut?? Crazy…

Not growing anything super-special right now, just LSD from ILGM…but who knows about later grows?

I’ll post this on both my topics :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


Jim , you are welcome to any of my stuff.


Appreciated! Are you here in Vegas?
Nice Plants! Great looking flower :100:


No , I’m on the east coast.

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