James' Money-Pit Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Octopot!

Thursday nights action…

Mixed up 5 gallons of low-stregth nutes for Blue Dream last night. Gave her just under 3 gallons, Will save rest for later. Want to see what happens with PH. Went in at 6.0 - Probably should have ran PH just a bit higher being this late in Flower, maybe 6.3-6.5. We’ll see how she sucks down those nutes…
Biggest change for Blue Dream is no Ca/Mg in this feeding… Still strong on PK at 10 per gallon.

Skywalker is dry, but letting her fly on fumes for today and by this time tomorrow morning I’ll be prepping her for removal.
Blue Dream will have a week or so to beathe and move freely around the cabin…

HLG350 turned down to level 6 today. Give the girls a bit of a break for Skywalkers big harvest tomorrow…

One thing I noticed yesterday that concerns me…
The buds and colas are not as sticky as they have been previously during the grow. Not as sticky as last week, for sure. Plenty of trichomes still, but not nearly as sticky to the touch.

I dont remember the last grows turning less sticky, but I also havent taken a grow this many weeks…

Definitely more amber than I’d like, but amber in Blue Dream isnt out of control yet. In Skywalker, some buds have very high amber percentage. Sleepy time buds for sure… :100:

Thoughts? Opinions?


Are you lowering room temp , to correspond with reduction of ppm and light intensity ? Everything working togeather
: )


Would be nice, but no. Worry about what light intensity and other stuff tomorrow, after I pull Skywalker and set Blue Dream in middle of tent.
Just an intensity break today. Call it a cloudy day, if you will…


Awesome work

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PH is running a little bit low now. I’m going to mix the rest of the 5 gallons that are still in the Hedpak to 6.5 - 6.7, That should bring it up into the low sixes, I’m hoping.

Stan’s babysitter keeping him busy, LOL

Solid 6.5 now. Going to add to Blue Dream Reservoir.


And here is Harvest day for one Lucky Gal!


Man, that looks amazing!


I want to see the Cannatrol all loaded out!


Thanks! Lots of hours in. Just finished around 11pm. Cleaned up and all surfaces trichome-free. Ready to harvest Blue Dream next weekend, I think.


@FieldEffect As requested… Here’s a sneak preview, lol! See it here before it makes post on Cannatrol thread :100:

9 out of 10 shelves used. Moderately packed…


Vern and Joe came by for a bit to help out. Every bit helps!

Cannatrol Set for maiden voyage! Programmed for 6 day Dry and 6 day cure. 68F 53.5DP

Blue Dream will get some attention tomorrow.

Things worked out pretty well removing Skywalker stem by stem pulling from underneath . Once Skywalker removed, that freed up much room in the tent . Basically, lowered Blue Dream off the plastic shoe box risers she been on for so many weeks. That got her out of the net. I’ll see about lowering the net tomorrow and spreading Blue Dream out a bit…

Everything went well on the harvest…Just took too long. Ended up giving my George Thorogood tickets to Vern and his wife, so they could enjoy the show. I was just running too far behind to even think of stopping everything for that long. Kinda sucks… because Vern said George still has it with vengeance. Hopefully he’ll be around again. Fuckers getting old, lol.


Looks great :smiley:

Good job :+1::+1::clap:

What’s the plan with BD when she finishes? Shoehorn it in there with the Skywalker or shuffle the Skywalker out?


LOL, there’s no way in hell Blue Dream is fitting in there along with Skywalker OG :rofl:

If I harvest Blue Dream next weekend, and I’m pretty sure I will especially with the 3-day weekend coming up… she is going in all by herself. It may even be a tight fit. Skywalker will go into Grove Bags to finish curing…

Thanks for the good words!
I’ve looked over blue dream and Skywalker very well, and luckily enough no mold or mildew anywhere. That was my major worry having these two girls squeezed in so close. Blue Dream is just going to Coast through the week on the nutes I gave her. If she needs more water I will give her pH reverse osmosis water only.


Took Stanlee out for lunch and stopped by Guitar Center at town square. Made cash offer. Haggled. Compromises made.
Decided to treat myself to a new toy…
Suhr PT15 I.R…Got the matching 2x12 cab as well.

Lets see if I’ll use it. Hurts to play guitar lately. Cant do it too long anymore without paying for it later. Thought maybe some new blood would be good…Maybe get inspired.


Skywalkers root ball


Nice! Congrats!

Been fighting off the urge to buy a new bass lately myself. :laughing:


In-tent cam sign-off for the evening…


Thanks! I already have some buyers remorse…

Get that Bass! G.A.S. is in us…

I just have to figure out the logistics of having a 2x12 cabinet in a room where theres no more room… :thinking:


Here’s Monday mornings in-tent cam shots…

If I clip a few leaves :arrow_down:, that’ll be one sexy skyline!

Emptied out the Cannatrol drip tray again this morning before leaving to work. She’s Cannatrolling as advertised…

Seems pretty emtpy in there without sister Skywalker, but sure gives Blue Dream a chance to strut her Colas… Look at those things. She’s gonna out harvest Skywalker, I think.

No doubt, over a pound in this tent. Just how much over is anyones guess.
We’ll have Skywalkers numbers next Saturday after she’s Forcibly Evicted from the Cannatrol.
6 Days should be good for accurate numbers.

Will be a record harvest for me, for sure. First 2x4 harvest just over 16oz of great bud - 5 plants. Second grow was single plant, pulled just over 10oz.
I seriously think Im pulling 1.5ish pounds between the two plants. I have a difficult time gauging from what Ive pulled out. But looking at Electrify, I think Skywalkers pull is comparable…

Fucking exited as hell, and still cant believe Im growing and harvesting my own weed. Blows my mind to this day.

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Lol oh yea… Def familiar with the GAS! Ha…

That’s how I ended up with a full stack and 3 other basses in my basement next to my tent. Also hurting for room down there but I hope.the ladies enjoy those low end vibrations. :slight_smile:

Dude that 2x12 has to sound awesome. And if it’s anything like my fender twin reverb, loud as hell! :laughing: