James' Money-Pit Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Octopot!

Blue Dream update:

She’s in Grove bags a week now. Still smelling of Hay/Grass. But not as strong as earlier. Kinda surprised its not all out yet.
Good news is all bags 58-62%

Taking her for a ride on my Freight Train Pro… :bullettrain_side:

Good looking :arrow_down: Nug! :100:

Loaded and ready to… well… Get Loaded!

Got about 3 good hits off that .2-.3 gram-ish.

Two weeks out of harvest and verdict still pending further curing in Grove Bag.

At this time Blue Dream still smells grassy, and tastes a bit grassy, as well.
She’s a good hit to the head and temples quickly, and seems fairly potent.
Im really hoping she will come around and get rid of the grassyness in smell and taste.


Skywalker OG pulled for harvest 5/18/24 did 6 full days in Cannatrol and Grove Bags from there.

She was grassy, but now Gassy and spice is coming in nicely… After this weekend, she’ll be a month out of harvest for a 1 week Dry and 3 week Cure.
Steph at work got a Skywalker sample Friday evening. Report back this morning from her is hard-hitting, “must be higher percentage than I’m used to”. Said it made her very mellow.

So thats good!

No trace of grassy in her at all. Wish I could say the same for Blue Dream… Still hopeful.

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Back to “Open Containers” :joy:


Feeling a bit outta focus this morning… Just like this photo :slightly_smiling_face:

Numbers are moving a bit to my set point of 68°F and 54°Dp 6 days slope cure cycle. That should finish Skywalker and get the funk outta Blue Dream :100:

See where she is tonight…


Here’s the next two victims…

Powie Poison and Powie Pineapple on deck.

Going in Octopots this weekend! Either today or tomorrow…

Leaving it up to fate. These seeds are regular, and not feminized. Hoping at least one, if not both turn into little Powie-girls :100:



So, here we are… Two more seeds going in the dirt.
These seeds are special :100: courtesy of @BobbyBudz
Say hi to Powie Wowie spawn… Powie Pineapple and Powie Poison!

Octopots cleaned and ready. Brand new Rain Science grow bags as modified and used in my 2x2.5 grow

Octopots ready to go! Loaded up with :arrow_up:HP Pro-Mix…

Doing a bit of cleaning and cable management in the Money-Pit

Ready to Drop

Stans here to lend a paw…

Taking some light measurements

Here’s 50% with and without supplemental lighing at 50%

Please be girls… :pray:


Day 0 in-tent cam shots…

All Operational in the Money-Pit.
This Grows featured performers… Powie Poison and Powie Pineapple!


And here they are…

Found them both popped open after I got home Thursday afternoon.

Hello lil girls (positive reinforcement)

Looking Good :arrow_up: :arrow_down:

Got the sleeves on for a bit, until I get the humidifier going.

Im happily surprised that both seeds popped at the same time. Could say alot for the consistency of the strain, or could be a complete coincidence…



Curious why you don’t start some more seeds, say 3-5, and in a week or two get the plants tested and pick the best female of the batch?

I like to have Farmer Freeman sex tests in my drawer makes it super easy and about a week to find out for sure. You can get tested as soon as soon as the plant has enough leaf matter to support the clipping of 1/2" of leaf tip.

I’d lose my mind over the 50:50 chance of a male. Just me.


Just checking them out right now. I’ll look a little bit more today. Have you had any wrong results with those? That might be a great option! It looks like a set of 10 tests is $120. Not too bad…


I just bought 30 to restock my drawer.

I view the cost overall as negligible. I mean, my current grow is $200 in seeds, tent & grow equipment (meters, tools) certainly north of $1000 by now, probably $100 in supplies (media, nutrients). There’s a lot of money overall invested. And far, far more important to me is my time and sanity.

Another $200 turns my $300 for seeds and consumables into $500. Worth it for me. Certainly not for everyone, but it’s an option to save time and have some selection capability without extra space.

Luxury? Sure. I think your situation is one of the perfect places to use it. Start 5 seeds rather than 1, your odds of female become about 97% rather than 50%, AND you are likely going to be able to pick the most vigorous girl of the lot. For $60 in each pot. No extra time, no change in schedule.

I’ve never seen an incorrect result, I think I’ve done over 30 tests


I know this is late to the show, however I wanted you to know that you can use regular 3-5 gallon fabric pots instead of their sleeve. I’ve always felt it was too flimsy. Most fabric pots are sturdier and shorter.

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Take a look at darn near any photo above… :rofl: Im using Rain Science bags modified.
No Octopot grow bags for me. Tossed them after the second Octogrow.

Here’s the link for how I came to find my solution that is kicking ass for me right now…

And here’s my first grow with the Rain Science bag, just in case you havent seen that one. I’ll never again use Octopot bags. Quote me on that.

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Thanks for the good words! Always apprectiated and love the input!

If somehow, neither of these seeds are female, thats the next step. And then go “Turbo” on them…
Also dont want to waste potential female seeds. If I popped 5 and theyre all female, 3 get tossed out. Limited seeds here. I havent yet gotten to the point of choosing best of batch.

Thats good to know. Gonna hit up the site today or tomorrow and order. Price isnt too terrible.

I really never planned on running regular seeds ever, but these seems pretty cool. Got a couple of regulars in the Veterans giveaway as well as some autoflowers. Got plenty of options, but I can see this being addictive.


FWIW my first and second grow I was afraid of using seeds I didn’t need and worried about using “too many.”

Each seed is going to be a little (or a lot) different. Having more than one female gives you options. Again, it’s a value proposition. Do you want to spend 3-4 months with a runt? The most vigorous one? The stinkiest one? If you only have a single plant you don’t get the choice it’s pure chance.

I’ve learned that there are dramatic differences compared to my expectations. None really bad that I’ve seen but I like the power to pick.

Also, I have acquired more seeds than I could ever reasonably grow just hanging out here. You can too :sunglasses:

Understatement of the year there :rofl:

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Another fan of Farmer Freeman here. You can usually stock up on their tests for $10 each during 4/20 and Black Friday sales. I’ve sent many samples, and they’ve never provided an incorrect result. Admittedly I throw out any males, but every plant they’ve said was female, was indeed a lady.


Happy Saturday!

Octodomes coming off. Not really needed, I think.

Dont think I need the Humidifier yet either.

Looking Green…


Ppfd looking awesome :100: HLG350R on 3, ACI Bars on 10. Better heat balance that way.

Got plenty of moisture coming off the Octopots for RH

These two “Girls” are looking good on this first Saturday of their short lives. Gonna be really short if theyre sporting the wrong “equipment” during the reveal party… :crazy_face:


Monday’s out the Effendor Pic…

Day 5 Week one of Seedling …

No nutrients in the tank yet. Only RO Water. Clonex at 170ppm only during initial top watering .5 Gallon.

Needs a bit of water tonight. May just mix a batch at half strength or a bit less… Hit around 300-400ppm.

Mondays in-tent cam shots…

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Tuesday’s in-tent cam shots…

The twins are looking good. Didnt do water yesterday. I’ll do today after work and figure out what strength to mix.