Jaybeezy’s garden

That’s in the center bro I promise you a lot of that stuff on the top of your pot is this

I’m not saying it’s impossible that they’re some roots but if you have roots coming to the top that means you’re not saturating your pots through fully so the moisture is sitting at the top not the bottom too frequently. I’d put her in a dish/tray/bowl and bottom feed her at this point anyway and it helps keep fungus gnats away. It could even be caused by “heavy watering” aka throwing the water into the pot rather than it gently flowing that can also uncover roots n shit :+1:

I still stick to those are fibers and not roots tho mate :100:


@Explorer Touché when i water i start from the middle around the stalk and work my way out till i reach the allotted amount which has been 750 ml seemed like anymore she wouldn’t be happy except the passed 2 waterings i gave her more to get me thru to transplant which i have done successfully I’m gna throw some pics up of how i do it honestly super easy so it’s not such a pain in the A for others.

But ok ok i see you but my evidence is that the white strands branch off to others :x haha i didn’t think of getting close ups.so i guess that makes my argument invalid no evidence lol you make a good point i could be watering improperly i kinda have always wondered that but no one has said anything till now :rofl:


@Explorer @cannabissequoia Transplant success and this is how i deal with fabric pots and transplanting.

Flip the sides down let whatever fall into a garbage bag or something to catch the mess.

Continue to roll down the sides

And voilà we have lift off


Each to their own bro I find it far too messy to deal with multiple fab pot transplants and my roots don’t ever peel as easy as that they’re like cemented to the roots :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: and even in your pic at the end you can see that you’ve split the rootball from the bottom of your pot. The popping and cracking of snapping roots has always told me to just not transplant from fab pot but like I say bro each to their own we’ve all got our own ways :+1:


@Explorer i agree 100% everyone got their own ways but i was like maybe they just didn’t think to do it this way idk haha yeah im not sayin anyone’s dumb just didn’t think to do it this way i didn’t think to do it this way till my 3rd grow I’m over here pouring loose soil out and running a butter knife alone the edges :joy::joy: I’m not a fan of that sound i also was told not to bottom feed not 100% on why but i listened Lol

I’ve decided to give teas today dr root and EZ tea veg gave a half gallon of that solution at 6.3 pH . May have been too much too little? I haven’t got the transplant waterings down yet. But here she is in her new home

the pot not the set up lol that’s just my shower where i water them when they get bigger


@Explorer i like you haha i really hope im not offending you or making you frustrated. That’s not my intent. I’m just told that i come off as a big wiener at times.


No no not at all just trying to give you my side bro :rofl: I can’t stop anyone from transplanting I only gave advice against because I dislike it vs a plastic pot where there’s nothing for roots to stick to but in any fab pots I’ve used I’ve never been able to smoothly peel my coco out but you’re not using coco so maybe that’s why it works for u and not me with it being thicker? :man_shrugging:

And same with the root thing bro I’ve made the mistake of only feeding the top of my medium in my first ever plant and I was having roots come to the surface and the picture of your pot that you posted legit IMO look like coconut fibers like I posted a pic of because they can look like roots the big give away that you have roots uptop is they’re white so they’re hard to miss plus really fuzzy it looks a bit like mold forming. Granted colour is hard to get under blurple light but that was just what I thought :joy:

I do like the demo though that will be useful to other users who haven’t attempted it to show it can be done. Not being a wiener either bro you can’t just take somebodies opinion if you think you know better that is your opinion that’s why I say each to their own it’s my way of saying that’s your opinion that’s fine as it comes off heated with the back n fourth :laughing: but you’re entitled to your opinion like everybody is stick to what you know man no harm done :+1:


Oh and on a lighter note though when you feed her 750ml do you get any runoff? And what size pot was she in vs what she’s in now.

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FWIW, I did a shitty job trying @Jaybeezy23 style, then I cut the other one. I have some snap fasteners & “repaired it”.

@Explorer no doubt; i nearly killed some plants in this process :sweat_smile:



Hoorayyyy lol ok :ok_hand: were on the same page i just get kinda paranoid. (Too many edibles) :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Anyway in the 3 gallon pot 750ml no run off. every grow I’ve done before this one i water till run off and I’m waiting 6 days to water again. Which in this case would probably not be good because i gotta keep up with her nute intake and building up some reserves for when i switch to flower. She’s in a 5 gallon now and gave her a half gallon. Which i probably should have just given the whole thing but next watering I’ll be giving nutes and feeding the microbes i put in this watering.

I honestly just didn’t want to make the same mistake i
Made with transplanting to the 3 gallon and over watering you can always give it more.


Maybe the key is to transplant early?:thinking:


So here we’re just lookin at the droop factor she just woke to and was transplanted yesterday. What droop she looks unphased maybe give it another day before i say that lol but if she continues to be fine no issues what’s that say to me?

If you transplant early in fab pots and don’t over water there will be no transplant stun? She has definitely exploded lots of foliage in the middle gotta get in there defoliate and super crop now that she’s in her final pot.


If it were me I’d wait to prune until the new growth get’s a little older…a week? Less stress & more LITFA usually helps.



@cannabissequoia Yeah i was gna wait till she got situated in the new pot.

Next week I’ll do the abuse let her recover. Tryin to get that even canopy.
And! while doing that I’ll be gearing her up for flower do one or 2 more feedings of mid veg nutes then moving on to late veg nutes feeding about twice checking my soil with a slurry aiming for about 700ppm while going in to flower.

Also giving the EZ tea veg and bloom once a week bloom while flowering.

So that’s kinda my plan regarding nutes follow the schedule abuse her a bit then LIFTA. TBH this is the most hands off I’ve ever been with my plant other than checking the genitalia (idk what else to call it :rofl:) Usually I’m topping tying and cropping it’s whole life


Another thing i notice that my plant looks like someone went in my tent and sprinkled super fine glitter on my leaves Lol idk how else to describe it. Is that normal? Does that happen with only females or males? Do they both do that haha. It’s like resin. But not sticky. Oils?

Uhhh yes and no in flower expect to see some frost but if you’ve got a silvery shine on your leaves then I do believe that one is thrips.


@Explorer Well right :joy: i did look up what i was talking about and every problem pest or deficiency didn’t look like it I’ve seen it before on my plant i only see it when the light hits it a certain way idk man lol bwith thrips it’s mainly the undersides of the leaves right? and it’s like silvery blotches what I’m talking about is like amongst the little hairs on tops pretty uniform :man_shrugging: I’ll keep an eye out tho

Jewelers loupe it up

I’m not worried just curious i wish i could get a picture of it i can’t get it to show haha


2 days after transplant lookin fine anyone see any transplant stress? Maybe too early she just woke up but IMO i don’t thibk she’s stressing much. Upon inspection i saw a baby pistil i could t get a good pic but I’m 99% sure haha. I’m going to be feeding strength and a half today get a head start on reserves and next watering I’ll be doing a slurry test to determine regular strength or strength and a half.

Smooooooth sailing from here knock on wood

This is why i don’t usually plan haha if i planned to flower after two months I’d be mighty discouraged seeing how she sprouted April 24th? Around there almost three months and I’m not planning to flip for another two weeks.

I’m digging the red in the stems i hope @cannabissequoia is right (i have no reason to believe they’re wrong) other than a friend making me second guess. But if it were deficiencies I’d see other problems. Which at the bottom leaves are dying making me make the decision of strength and a half feeding today. Probably should have fed instead of teas. Or dr root with a feed which is what i wanted to do but i wasn’t sure if it was going to react to my nutrient solution.


:couch: Friends. Pffff! :joy: That dude is right to think the pH in there is too high based on what we’re seeing & I’d probably try to get it down or next time use a different media/soil. Maybe try dropping your pH feed/water 1/2 a point.



The plant seems to be taking the transplant well. If you are gentle and use mycos, they will usually not skip a beat.

When I first saw the picture I though, “is he potty training his plants?” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: