Jelly's Cab Adventures

Ok cool how does the air flow in the cabinet now up threw the floor and out the top that’s what it looks like to me but just making sure. As I stated in other thread if you mounted that small fan in one of the upper corners pointing in opposite corner and put a fan controller on it you could dial your air circulation rate in.

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Growth you wait till you starting budding lol your gonna be like wtf wow that nugged up fast.


Not sure what we are referring to by “praying”. Are you speaking about the the behavior of the leaves. At what point in the cycle, veg, flower??


yes they can do it really in any stage but it becomes very obvious during flower, this is a great example from @ryasco ‘dwarf’ c99. usually a sign they are very happy


This is what I thought.

I have heard that this is a means of saving energy when in flower. The leaves lock upward and stop rising and drooping with the change of light.


Yep, this is how it works.

Probably don’t have room to have it in the corner per say, but I bet I can get close.

Nope, that was only temporary.

I’m actually planning on this… I originally mounted the strip inside before I had my light built, I was using a screw in array and didn’t want to drill any holes for it.

I think I covered all your points @Manfromthenorth lol.

By praying I mean the leaves pointed up, In any cycle (veg or bloom) I’ve always heard this was a sign of a healthy plant.

2 Likes"praying"

“These plants do have apical meristems and in areas of leaf attachment, called nodes, they have the third type of meristematic tissue. This meristem will also actively produce … The prayer plant gets its name from the fact that its leaf blades are vertical at night, resembling praying hands. During the day, however, the leaf …
LabeledArticles …”


I could spend a lot of time reading up lol.

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This seems to be the opposite action of the cannabis plant during veg cycle anyway.

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yeah i think cannabis plants follow the light and since most indoor lights are stationary the leaves stay in 1 place. also heard it could have something to do with turgor pressure. i imagine with all these changing laws there’ll be more information and studies to confirm or deny stoner science


One can only hope brother.


Thank you jelly :grin: You know I love ya


day 31 veg. I’m considering flipping soon as I don’t know how bad any of these will stretch. The little solo cups will be kinda fun to try and keep alive.

And for what everyone loves, Pics.
@Manfromthenorth Fixed part of what you were suggesting. :tongue:

These look promising, no signs of true sex though yet.

Should I be concerned with this leaf deformation? it’s the only leaf on the tallest bagseed plant like this.


I get leaves that look like that usually after I trans plant and have damaged the root ball a little. But that’s just my ep. Could be that that plant is going to be a headache like my blueberry headband from emerald triangle I’m still trying to figure that thing out. I think this will be las run for us on that one till I can ge a better selection of stock.


Took the thought from my mind. No worry, plant can handle little things along the way.

The good news is, the longer a plant takes to show sex, the more likely it is a female. :relieved:


Personally, I would wait until they all shoe pre-flowers. Then i would do a deep top, give a few days for new growth, then flip. Either that or start LST and get some horizontal growth going. Flipping now will give you single colas with little side branching IME.


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: A Good Way to Train

i’ve heard there is less stretch with LEDs, all of my plants stretched about the same which was very little, but i am also flowering under 4k boards


I’m using 3500k so I’m probably going to get a little stretching, but man the nodes are so tight together it’s gonna be interesting to see the results.


Essential to any and all spaces! Brooms, brushes, sweeping and dust pans all cause more dust. I read somewhere that dust helps spread mold and disease. Not sure exactly which types, but I try not to make much or more dust. Mostly inevitable though.