Jenny Kush - rare dankness

You guys need to come up here if you like ice fishing! Got 3 huts we use that are full built little trailers, wood stove, windows and all. One has power. Plus me and my ice partner have a couple of killer portable huts too! I’m a big fan of lakers through the ice, but love some big northerns, white fish or ling can keep ya busy too, especially at night. A few years ago it was so non stop with ling I would tie my tip to my hoodie drawstrings while I slept, every 20-30 minutes my hoodie would be getting pulled off lol, I’d wake up, reel him in, reset and pass back out. Woke up one day to 18 on the floor just from one night, then during the day…. ALLL DAY 4 fish, 3 lakers and a whitie. We call that hut the ling lodge now, but it was affectionately dubbed the Smurf hotel before. It’s on lake of bays, about a 25 min snowmobile ride from shore, it’s epic!

Disregard the first pic :man_facepalming:t2:


Did we just become bff’s?!?!? Im always down for an icy adventure. I mostly target crappie, walleye, and perch, but will take whatever decides to give me a tug


Haha I think so! Either of you come to Canada, EVER don’t hesitate to hit me up! I’d be glad to take you out! Got all the fixins too! Believe it or not I’ve never caught a walleye through the ice, even when guys all around me were smashing em one day, I was pissed. Not often I fish where they are in abundance but perch, we have one of the best jumbo perch fisheries around about 15 mins from my house, the harbour gets lined up with huts and guys clear buckets daily! No joke. Big 20/30 and even a few 40lb lakers landed there too, o often fish it in the spring and fall for those giant lakers. I’m a fish a holic to say the least!


This thread got derailed in a good way!

Feelin fish tacos for lunch… which will go unfulfilled… thanks alot… :wink:


Haha no doubt! I was just telling Mike (my mentor and best friend) how I am so jealous of his meals lately (he’s on a beach in Bali as he is every winter for Christmas) constantly sending pics of epic seafood plates etc. literally fresh out of the ocean usually the same day :drooling_face: I can only imagine! Hope you get you fish tacos bro :crossed_fingers:t3:


Perch that is good eating right there!

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Some of the best imho

Aren’t the great lake the best.

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Not sure if you still need more seeds but Attitude still has them in stock. If you still need donations for more seeds I will put in $10.


It’s all set @Trae1170 , thanks for the offer though!


@TopShelfTrees1 is it cool to have the @moderators close this thread since it’s served its purpose?

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No Problem, I see they are $75 at the Clone Conservatory.


Good call @HeadyBearAdventures yes it definitely is.
Thank you so much @Trae1170 for your offer. I’m pretty sure we have enough now, but if not I’ll gladly let u know. The seeds were acquired by @ChinookKing and are on their way to me as we speak. This is OG in every way and a prime example of how truly amazing this place is! I’ve seen some of the most heartwarming/touching things go down here and it’s not just a once in a blue moon thing, there is constant magic and goodness going on here and I see it more and more each and every day. Thank you to everyone here for coming together for ME and @420noob it means the world to me. And 2024 will surely see an abundance of Jenny Kush beans for all of us :wink: HAPPY NEW YEAR! Much love and respect!




Happy new year @TopShelfTrees1 tried Jenny kush yesterday dank smell really get the amnesia haze coming through it’s some decent stuff!


Once in a private growers hands this strain is epic!


Nice! Glad you liked it. Can’t wait to see everyone growing it!

Coming along…


Looking gorgeous @Longtooth very nice!


Nice pan size burbot.