Joboo's bullpen - ongoing grow diary


:joy: might as well be lol its a little beaver


I was going to ask the sameā€¦ lol


Hereā€™s a better picture of him. The angle was off earlier lol


Let the games begin


Hey everyone i know it has been a few days ince I updated but Iā€™ve been dealing with some legal nonsense and just been busy. Im about to go in and take some pics nothing special but ill be updating as long as God allows it. Be back soon


Why would you up the pH later in flower? Iā€™ve always done a 5.8-6.1 slow drift over a week then reset to 5.8 and repeat.


Iā€™ve just done some reading about bumping the ph up for an increase in certain nutrient uptake later in flower. Just going to give it a go. I let mine drift as well but I like to experiment with different shit


Thatā€™s the good thing about dwc. If I do it and the plants react negatively you can correct it right away


Cool, Iā€™ll be watching. Never done DWC, did E&F a few times with success.


Yeah i donā€™t know if it will make much of a difference. This nutrient line im using is super stable and the drift is minimal which is nice for simplicity but I tend to like more drift so you get the range of nutrient uptake. So since the drift is minimal ill just bump it up to 6 and see how they do. Because youā€™re right I usually did the same. Start at 5.7-5.8 and let it drift up usualky to about 6.1 and bump back down. I just like to mess with stuff myself and see whats what. I mean we can read everything we want or take all the advice we want but imo it all comes down to doing it ourselves and seeing what we prefer. I donā€™t imagine I will see much difference but we will see. Hell to be honest I could completely change my mind by that time :joy: I mean when I mix all my nute line into my water my starting ph without adding any ph up or down chemical is right at 5.7 and then usually drifts to 5.8 and mostly stays there. So yeah i donā€™t get much drift but also not having to keep adding chemical so either way im good lol. Before this line I was using just general hydroponics and it was okay but to me it seemed really unstable. There have been times like in my last grow i woukd have some crazy swings. Of course that may not have been the nutrients causing it but idk man. I really like the stability of remo nutrients. My plants seem to enjoy them too


I frequently wonder how much allowing pH to drift really matters. I honestly donā€™t think it matters much, as long as youā€™re in range.

Iā€™m sure you guys have seen a number of charts showing the availability of nutrients at various pH. Some of them are complete bull shit IMO.

Like this one I believe is bull shit:

As if calcium is completely unavailable at 5.7 pH :thinking: :ox: :poop:.

I tend to look at the blue lab chart because their instruments are so widely trusted among horticulturalists.

It does seem to indicate phosphorus is ā€œmoreā€ available (whatever that means) above 6 which could help with floweringā€¦ Interested to see what you find there.

I also wonder if any of the charts take into account chelationā€¦ Most nutrients nowadays use some form of chelation to increase nutrient availability across a wider range of pH.


The line I use is chelated exactly for that purpose and also is available to use immediately. Just mix it and serve it unlike some other lines. yeah i tend to agree with you being mostly bs like you said calcium is not available at all in that range? Lol like I think Iā€™d be seeing a lot more deficiency issues if that was the case. yeah the increased phosphorus availability is what Iā€™m shooting for here. Like I said i donā€™t know if there will be much of a difference but what I figure ill do is run one bucket at 5.8 and the other at 6 probably starting at week 4ish you know once buds really start to develop. Just see how it goes


When it comes down to it im still a major noob but itā€™ll be a fun little experiment to do