Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 2)

lol rub it in why don’t ya! That’s ok, your summer is our winter and vice versa, remember that in a few months! :laughing:


@JohnnyPotseed Well! When it is this hot, it’s kinda uncomfortable!!! One couldn’t afford keeping the AC all the way! And fans do a poor job at best!! lol! I know! You guys are being hit by the cold! Hang in there brother! I’ll have a cold beer in your honor!!! :beers: :pray: :hugs:


Good morning @JohnnyPotseed. Just wanted to let you know I got the beans from the Christmas sale, thanks you :pray::call_me_hand:

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Morning OG. I was ready to cry about the 39 degrees here today until I saw the temps others were posting :laughing:


Glad you got em cuz, Grow On!

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Here are a couple more substantial threads on the micro-Octopot system:

This is the lazy man’s DIY mini octopot system, about $10 per pot!


Morning Johnny and circus crew. I can see the end of the week from here.


It could be worse.

But remember!


Yesterday was such shit weather than it only seemed logical to up-pot 6 plants while telling them that I love them and that they are safe from the mean outside. :hugs:

Hope everyone’s dealing as best as they can with both the weather and general blahs of another covid year.


Hey Johnny! Mail call was a winner over this way! Thanks bro! :slight_smile:

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Good Morning Eveyone…


Damn it!!! Stay warm. That is cold. I’ll warm up the car for ya!!! I need heating for my rear. Heated seats. Is it nice in the spring? One Love @chronix. That is crazy @MoBilly I have seen cold in your state. It doesn’t play.

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It was -16 or so the other night. Its a damp wet type cold here, not dry like some other areas. So it feels a bit colder then it actually is, especially with wind chill. But there are other places that get it alot worse then here.
I do think we need some boys or girls from the more northern parts of Canada to come teach the plow truck drivers here how to plow. I’ve seen a whole lotta wtf moments on my short trip into town to the grocery store today.


That’s funny. I have been there myself. In the Rookies. Ran off the road once. Didn’t mess anything up. I did one in a rain storm slid down a MT. side in a old truck. Didn’t get hurt but one hell of a ride. I was a kid. Funny how we look back and say damn it!!! What was I thinking.


Going through the Smokey Mts. along Skyline Drive, in the middle of the night. back in the '60s before the interstate lol Got tired and pulled over to take a nap…at sunrise I opened the door to piss and looked straight down a cliffside! Missed going over by inches in the dark lol


lol I didnt do that but driving a fully loaded semi going down cliffs at the coors beer factory in colorado were they load u to a t 50,000 going down gear 4 crawling with rocky mountains so high their fog as thick as a watermellon … also any part of wyoming, laramie, rawlings I-25 and I-80 lol snow snow snow…

the skies at night are breath taking…


Yeah the interstates made the roads a lot wider, safer, and lit up better now-a-days! A lot safer and more fun than hairpin turns and switchbacks lol


I hated drivig through that corridor but worst then that was Tornado season in Kansas, Oklahoma region, shit I was turned over in KC under an overpass from the winds, I stood right there under that overpass lol had enough smokes and thermos old coffee left to ride the wind rain and sharp metal glass going by…

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When was this @HashstasH ? I’ve lived in/around kc most of my life. The weather can be so nuts here.

Wichita, I-70 / US-40 / US-81 in Salina Wichita, Kansas · Missouri State line …back in the late 90’s when i was driving with cr england lol $0.10 a mile lol

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