Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 2)

Good morning my friends. :slight_smile:


What’s up @MoBilly ?
Nice day here. Hope you have a good one, my friend.


Thank you @BigMike55 . I’m doing OK and plan to be even better. Have a great one too bro.


Buried in the dust of years past, I posted this short imagination right after I came back to OG. I wrote it in 2010, stoned (of course) Thought some of you might like to see the inner workings of my mind… somewhat, at least lol


As mankind rips the life out of planet Earth in the many methods of the time, the creator, (God, in all of his/her forms or names) returning from a well-earned vacation, strolls onto the scene. Appalled at what is happening in front of him, he stops a passing human. “What is going on here?” he demands to know… “You’re destroying my planet! I built this place just for you, to enjoy and live on without any problems or cares. You’ve cut down the trees, which are the lungs…you’re ripping the guts out for coal and gas and oil, you’re ruining the ozone layer that is your shield I put in place to protect you from the sun, that I put close enough to warm you, and polluting the waters that are your lifeblood! A lot of the different species I made to serve your needs as food and assist in regulating things are gone completely!”
“But almighty,” the human replies, “we had to have fuel for our vehicles and to run our factories.” Looking proudly around, the man continues, “Also, we make and use a lot of different chemicals to make medicines and other things, as well as clothe and feed ourselves, and just look at these great books, and how perfect my skin, teeth & eyes, and how healthy I look! We make and sell to each other all manner of plastic items. We are growing and expanding in such a grand manner! So what if some species didn’t make it during our growth. So what if a few people die from the chemicals. So what if I even managed to make a few dollars in the process, that’s progress, right?”
Pausing for a moment to gather himself before answering, the creator sadly looks at the man. Then says, “My son, I gave you a plant that, by itself, will handle a multitude of your needs, which can also be used to make clothing, paper, fuel, oil, food, building materials, medicine for many ailments, and even to enjoy just for the pleasure of it! Environmentally friendly, able to grow almost anywhere and under almost any condition, a resource renewable on a yearly basis, this plant was one of my greatest contributions to help you in your daily lives. What happened to it?”
“Really?!” The man replied, “Please, creator, tell me of this miraculous plant so I can go and enjoy it.”
God gazes out on the destruction covering the world, “I don’t know if it will be in time to save things or not, but it will definitely help. Go tell all of mankind… it is called CANNABIS/ MARIJUANA, take of it and enjoy.”
“Oh, that?” the man says, “We made that illegal, as it was too easy to grow and use. It would compete with, and hurt, many of our industries. We destroyed any we found growing, for we couldn’t tax a ‘weed’ or make as much profit from that!”………….

Written by Johnny Potseed – 2010
UPDATE – 2015 … The times they are a changing!!


@Emeraldgreen to continue the convo here,
The work doesn’t change going from black to legit. It’s the damn laws and regs rules &fees
The first 2 things to do if ya go legit lol

  1. get a damn good safe
    2)and keep a damn good set of books, with a good tax lawyer/accountant (if you can get one that is both, it’s easier)

The states with legal ganja purport to be ‘for the people’ but don’t you believe it! The corporations are doing their best to run the mom-n-pop small operators out.

Hell, lol Winston and Marlboro both had Ganja names trademarked for years before it ever began to be legalized


That’s what I’m seeing. Money and oversight every where. I’ve been talking to people over the last 6 months that I never thought about before. The one thing that I keep hearing is people from other background losing tons of money from not understanding the business


lol yeah cuz, you’ll see a lotof people jumping on that bandwagon. Thinking how hard can it be, grow marijuana, make money, get rich lol I saw so many 1yr newbs go under it ain’t funny and there always more to take their place every year

We didn’t ‘go under’ we both have serious medical issues that’re just getting worse and can’t handle the work load anymore is why we’re getting out
It was a decision not made lightly. we showed profit yearly, so we held our own.


NY is all about corporate control. I believe this is only being done to make a pretense of giving the little guy a slim chance.
They’re already giving the medical producers huge advantages. Their are less than 10 in the state. They all paid huge bucks to get those spots and most are politically connected


It’s happening as we text lol. The investors want to make all the money also.
I’ll say again thank you for saying the truth about what it is. I’d pick your brain until you stop me

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Even with the corporate bigdogs flooding the market to drive prices down. Which is the most common practice they employ. If you have good product that no one else has, you can hold it together.
I have no problem with talking to you about commercial cuz but this really should go DM


Good Morning OG!


Good morning good morning. It’s fucking snowing up here today. Ugh


Good morning Johnny, good morning OG’s, think happy thoughts, smoke more weed. Overgrow the world.


Good morning JP Good morning everyone :palm_tree: :ear_of_rice: :ear_of_rice: :leaves:


Morning you Sowers of Seeds!


Good morning, Masters of Marijuana Manipulation.

I know, I know! I’m reaching for shit.
But good morning anyways.


Yeah woke up at six this am …literally said get the heck outta hear with this crap …phrased a little different but you get the point :crazy_face:


Me this morning:


Good morning. :sunny:


Saved. I couldn’t agree more.

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