Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 2)

Morning Johnny. Woke up at 4 this morning and spent like 45 minutes listening to these loud ass birds outside before I decided to get up and make coffee. Those pictures you posted are gorgeous man! You got the magic touch my friend. Hope you and all the circus folk here have a good day :v:t2::v:t2:


Good morning JP. Good morning everyone.


Morning all! It’s a drizzly stinker of a day and it’s gonna take much more than that to stop me :sunglasses:


Morning! I’d say good but… THRIPS upstairs :sob: .

One plant is being treated with Budbusterpro so I need to get mites for that one as I do not want to spray it with Safer’s End All. :confused:

They must have come with some of the outdoor plants I intended to leave outdoors but had to bring inside (different part of the house) due to surprise frost warnings.

If anyone has a better suggestion than Safer’s End All i’m all :ear: 's.


Idk if it available in Canada, but I have used Captain Jacks spinosad on thrips and had success. Good luck!

Captain Jacks
EDIT: some folks have informed me below that this product is banned on med products and can cause the release of harmful chemicals when heated, so probably worth avoiding. I’m going to leave the link so everybody can see what the product is.


Good morning friends and animals.

I have heard Spinozad works on thrips.
Where is @JoeCrowe when you need him??? LOL


Spinozad, if I’m not mistaken, has ingredients that are banned in some medical states. It will cause a ‘FAIL’ on lab testing
I know this because we were considering using it here a couple years ago, so we checked to be sure about it before we bought it, and then used it, on commercial crops. It’s not recommended for human consumption in any form!


Here, we just use the JDAM as a weekly preventative, works great… no sign of any pests of any sort, for well over a year now.

@JohnnyPotseed is definitely right, spinosad is a treatment fraught with peril in the testing dept. I think it’s responsible for the production of hydrogen cyanide, if exposed to heat. I would recommend BTK against the thrips, but with a caution. Some of the thrips species seem to be resistant to it, so they don’t go extinct. I had really good results against this strange brown thrips, but the white thrips only 50% of them seem to die off. If the result is fail, I just turn to protocol 0 and drown their ass.


Oh jeez, that’s good info to have. And yet they say you use up to day of harvest! Crazy! Guess I’ll be taking that out of the arsenal!


yeah IKR lol but think about it cuz, look at so many pesticides that say you can use up to harvest on fruits, veggies, and yes even ganja… But if you check/ research…they have all kinds of bad stuff in em! They’re going to say anything to get you to buy/use their product, and the gov doesn’t stop them.

Here ya go, check this out


How expensive is JADAM to make? You use a lot of herbs right?

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It’s not very expensive cuz, and if you follow the You-Tube instructions, fairly easy. But be careful in mixing!! Wear protective gear lol Plus it is used just like most other pesticides, a couple ounces or so for 2 gallon sprayer. Harmless to humans and animals, deadly to pests, We mixed a 5gallon bucket over a year ago and are still working on that.The mix gets HOT when you make it, is why I say wear protective gear. Then you let it sit for a few days

All of the ingredients can be bought on Amazon


Not that I ever really trusted the EPA, but that was still an ugly thing to read. Ugly but valuable I guess. Thanks for that info!


Gotcha. I’m all about reducing my risks. :+1:

How to make JDAM wetting agent

How to make no-heating JWA

  1. Get a 110 L plastic (PE) that is heat-resistant. Wash it clean. Put in exactly 2.5L (㎏) of water. Add 3.2㎏ of potassium hydroxide. Shut the lid. Roll to dissolve the caustic potash. You must use soft water.

  2. Pour in 18 L of canola oil, use an electric drill to mix until it becomes like a thin mayonaise. It takes about 10 minutes of mixing. In summer, mix well over 10 minutes. Weak drills do not work. You cannot mix with hands.

  3. Close the lid and let rest for three days. It will become like butter. If it doesn’t harden or separates into layers, drill again to mix until it becomes like mayo. In the winter, do it in a warm place.

  4. Put in 20 L of water, use electric drill to separate all pieces from the walls of the container. Do not drill too much or it will turn into cream.

  5. Add 60 L of water, use a clean stick to stir. Stir the entire volume. It will dissolve completely in about 24 hours. If you do this in a cold place, lumps can sink down and the dissolving process can be slow.

  6. There is no expiry. Store in a tightly sealed bottle.

We have it in a 5gal bucket with gasket/lid


Thanks Johnny. I’ll absolutely look further into this. I’m careful what I use in and around the garden. We have tried hot pepper tea… Nothing we have found, that is truly harmless to humans and pets, has worked well enough.


@MoBilly this stuff is as harmless as it gets! But deadly to almost any pest! It mainly just suffocates them

I don’t care what it is, if it can’t breath, it dies!! lol with absolutely no harm to plants


You know, I just realized something. Probably 60% of my bookmarks are on your threads. lol


lol well, I do try to impart as much helpful knowledge as I can cuz… I don’t ‘tout’ things I know nothing about, and do have quite a few decades of actual hands-on experience
I’m glad you find things I post helpful!

I always simply say, take what you can use from what I say, and leave the rest! If I help at least one grower get better results in any way, then I’m happy!
Growers are funny people, they all have their own preferred methods for lots of things Ganja related. I’m not saying what I do is the best way, just the way I’ve found, often through ‘trial and error’. But, to each their own. Adapt a bit of my advise or all of it, or none.

even I, to this day, learn things about this wonderful plant and how to get better results. I’m not the ‘know all, Ganja Guru’ lol to stop learning is to become as dead.