Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

Where I’m from it quickly becomes an abrasive baby paste! :joy: I’ve just never been a fan of putting stuff on me though. Lotion and such. I know not the smartest thing! I am a fan of covering up and using layers though!

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Damn, lol I only hit a few likes this morning and already this is what I got!


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I would like to get a hold of some of that original stuff. I have some I can’t even smoke. Makes my heart feel like it’s about to jump right out of my chest. I’m not sure if that’s it. It feels like some kind of lung pressure. It’s not all of it. I just like to get high. I don’t even mind being, toast.
I like the stuff to leave you in the middle of the road. Some of this other stuff is a little bit too heavy.


Summer breeze feels like I’m dyin’,
Blowing through this swamp ass feeling of mine

Yeah but I have list I have to accomplish to so damned if you do damned if you don’t.


:heart: :heart: :heart:

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lol ain’t that always the case? Just b e careful!

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This '98 WR isn’t like that at all. It IS ‘knock-yer-ass-into-the-couch’ though! lol


Baby powder. Every time you go to the bathroom. Even if it runs down your legs. Make it look like you dropped cocaine everywhere. That’s the only way you can get rid of that swamp ass. Foot spray will kill that fungus in a heartbeat if you got something like jock itch. Living at the beach, it gets toasty down there. You gotta keep them things cool
Athletes foot spray it will burn. But I will take it away. Absorbine Junior works the best.
When I was a kid going swimming all the time.
Would get it live in at the beach. I’ll tell you something else. It’s good to go get your feet done every now and then. It helps you breathe. @Slick1 I’m not talking about a Brazilian wax. I’m being serious is good to go get your feet done.


I feel ya brother! I get it. I do. Just a friendly reminder that it continues to get harder to pour from an empty cup. The world makes us keep pushing till we can’t these days! I know you’re strong. Do what needs done of course. Just be mindful of your health. It’s you and your body accomplishing all of these things. :face_with_monocle: :heart::heart::green_heart::green_heart: :fist:t3::facepunch:t3::vulcan_salute:t3:

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I got some goats to go get.

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They’re calling for heat index of 110 today! I don’t care, the WR is coming home!


My first day sayin’, Mornin’ y’all, and I’m late. Now I’m scared @BigMike55 is gonna be mad at me. Just HOW big is BigMike?
I had a lot of reading to do catching up. My wife wonders why I’m over here breaking into periodic laughter :joy:


I’m with you, JPS. I’d drive to Timbuktu for the Beloved Pheno! Beats the hell outta interminable pheno hunting!


Yep, lol Back in '98, when I bought the pack of WR beans, I grew em all out and kept the best pheno-typical one as a mother. This is what I grew clone only all those years, and gave @Guitarzan clones of. She’s damn good for bedtime, and Rose misses her! lol


Good morning my friends! Zero likes this morning so…


Good morning! @MoBilly Yeah they go pretty quick! :heart::heart::green_heart::green_heart:


lol I get this
sooo you get THIS! lol
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

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HA! I only have to wait 15 minutes!
Nanner nanner nanner!

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lol That’s ok, brother. By the time we get back home this afternoon, I’ll have plenty built back up!

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Hey Good morning there! @Butterthief1959

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