Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

Yeah lol already done that pheno hunting on WR. Glad I don’t have to go through it again!
Obviously is good, since @Guitarzan has kept her going these past years! lol


And to you, fine sir! This feels a bit strange, like saying good morning is putting my toes into a lake that appears safe but really it’s a secret initiation into a cult of some sort, or a blood in-blood out gang. Oh well, too late. I did it. Reckon imma goner.

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Are you planning on making any fem seeds? Or just running clones of the WR? Either way I will be there with my hand out. :wink:

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:scream: :heart_eyes: :crazy_face: :+1: Yep brother, ya done gone n done it now! You’re in and no exit anywhere to be found!

Wait what? Reckon where do they WANT one?!


More like toke in toke out!


And the hand will be filled! lol I’ll probably reverse one clone to get beans, and of course plenty more crosses!
I’d get sad every time I looked at my list of seeds/strains, and see some of the WR crosses I made, but no straight WR! Now, the sadness is gone and replaced with :star_struck: :heart: :heart_eyes: :+1:

Sounds like my winter schedule is getting filled fast!


Toke in…… toke out… not really my “new” breathing exercise but I’m definitely gonna think it every time now! :joy: @MoBilly
@Butterthief1959 yeah you’re done for! Wait till all the stories of the last guy that didn’t make it start to come out! Good luck!:crazy_face: Just kidding you’ll probably be fine! 🫣

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More like me in spite of my body :laughing:


Ok good people of the OGniverse, we’re outta here. I’ll cyas on the flip side!


:rofl: I definitely get ya there! Just save some of it for you! It’s a weird game. Hey at least people like our weird selves enough to care! Have a good one brother! Try and stay cool ish. :heart::green_heart:

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:joy::rofl: what’s really got me nervous is I keep seeing images in my mind of @MoBilly and his clan shouldering round bales of hay up onto the wagon. I fear the next stage of this initiation is a “working vacation”!


Safe travels! Do the deed cause we’re all in need! :joy:


Safe travels


Just do as they say and they won’t go all Donky Kong with those bales! :joy:

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I will, I will, I promise to be good!:sweat_smile:

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Well those likes lasted about 30 seconds. :laughing:

Grandpa had a remedy for them that didn’t put in a full days work.
You ever sit and watch the whole family eat blackberry cobbler? I have. I was like one of Pavlov’s dogs and I had to sit there until the meal was done. Mucking out stalls isn’t fun but neither is that. lol


Now that’s abuse! Just freaking beat me will ya!:rofl:

I got 5 likes in this time! Feel like a big spender! :heart::heart::green_heart::green_heart:

That is more or less what I said.
:heart: :heart:


Good morning everyone! The coffee you are drinking must be exceptional this morning :joy:. 70 messages just to say hello :wave:
Congratulations on getting your white rhino back @JohnnyPotseed it’s fantastic that she came back to you.


Here’s the the first test bud from my S1 Frankenstein.
I do believe I could get a great harvest of some outstanding hash or resin from this plant.
Those trichomes are thick as anything I have been able to grow!

What do y’all think?