Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

So would I
Nada, nope , hell no!

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Gee @BigMike55 , I thought you said if it was a THC infused enema you’d try it… :laughing:

I don’t recommend gassy strains. They really are fire! :fire: Also pro tip here de-stem the bud first.
I’m sure you can imagine the issues found there! :fist:t3::facepunch:t3::vulcan_salute:t3:. :+1:t3:. Good luck! :green_heart::heart::green_heart::heart: :rofl:

P.S. Glad you’re feeling better today! @BigMike55
That business sucks! My first time nothing tasted right for 2 weeks.


You been hangin’ around them dang Canadians…???

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Closest thing I been around something from Canada was beasters! It was hydro though so that may count….

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Well hell, my day just turned to crap fast. Other day Doc put me on some new meds to supposedly ‘help’ the neuropathy (pregabalin). Turns out it has side effects that amplify & exacerbate the vertigo!
Got up to go, and did a face plant. No passing out, just too dizzy. F’ed me up. About an hour ago now, just sitting here probably rest of the day. Nothing broken, but damn, that floor ain’t got no give in it!


Man! This is rough. I’m happy to hear you made it through without major injury! I guess another Dr. visit is in order to correct those meds! Take it easy today bud! :heart::green_heart::heart::green_heart::fist:t3::facepunch:t3::vulcan_salute:t3:

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I’m just gonna call him Monday and tell him ‘nope’ this is the first fall I’ve had in a awhile. Haven’t used the rollaround-walker in about that long either, but now I need it today.

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Yeah brother! Better safe than sorry. This is a minor setback. Let’s not have a major one! :vulcan_salute:t3::heart::green_heart::heart::green_heart:
Likes go fast around here!
Not making light of the situation! No doubt it didn’t feel minor at the time. Just happy nothing cracked on ya.


Damn, Glad to hear nothings broken. Hope you feel better brotha! :vulcan_salute:

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That’s always a problem, having so many different ailments. Meds for one ailment can make another ailment worse, or counteract with other meds.
I reckon what someone here said is true, getting old ain’t for sissies! From now on every time the doc tries something ‘new’ on me, I’m going to check out all side effects before I just go ahead and take em. Thought that was what they’re supposed to be doing…

Took over 15 minutes for Rose to help me get up into the chair.


Damn dude! You didn’t hurt the floor did you? You know what Rose says about that head of yours…,……


Damn Johnny, take it easy the rest of the day. You ain’t no spring chicken my friend, I’m glad you’re ok.:peace_symbol:


lol IKR… floor is still here, unbroken. Was thinking bout going out to your place for a visit in the next day or so after getting up with ya, but naw… I’m staying here for a bit yet, lol


Glad you were not badly hurt brother! Take it easy today.

Hey guess what came in the mail today!

Thanks bro!


Be extremely careful. The only reason I’m falling out so badly is because I used to work Powder Coating in between a 650°F + oven and a several thousand degree heat treat quench. In the dead of last summer. Dropped so many times I forgot. Bosses didn’t care, not once. Got dragged into the corner once. They just worked around me.

Once it happens once, you’re on close watch for the next few years. You cooked, so you’re easier to cook now. Already blanched. It comes on so incredibly fast, you literally get one very quiet warning and then black out if the conditions aren’t right.


If you got a shoebox full of meds you gotta worry about side effects / interactions …all that s–t . Most stuff for neuropathy has some wicked side effects . F’ing diabetes that’s about all us vets got from Dow Chemical / Montsano ( unless you got splashed w/ napalm ) . Insert sock in piehole before waxing political …


Got collateral or peripheral drift contact with Agent Orange for 35 months in Nam. I know a lot that got worse, so I reckon I’m one of the ‘lucky’ ones…

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Morning fuckers!


As if to illustrate, I literally almost fell out sitting down in this fucking chair just now. Sitting. In a chair. Looking at my phone. Doing absolutely nothing. The clouds parted for a moment and it was almost my ass again. Had work to do this morning, fucking can’t because I’m a limp noodle now. Body felt it was neccessary to throw some reminders of old nerve damage in, just so I don’t start complaining when it gets cold enough to end lives.