Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

That’s the @MoBilly I know n luv! lol Rock on brother, rock on!


“holding your breath against the pain”. Another thing I wish I did not know, or need to know. ISounds like for you it’s been been a tool belt/box you’ve been working on for years. Learning to use tools differently. Recombining them to better suit changing circumstances. None of that “it worked before, should still work, right?”. It’s essential for me to be open-minded. I might see someone I just know very casually. I notice right off they’re moving way better. No problem intruding. I’ve had people do it with me.
Pain management “hacks”, for lack of a better word can be lifesavers.
Here I go, on a rant again. Sorry. Dealing with pain is very important to me. Not just about my quality of life, but the quality of those around me. Not fun when I let my pain get away from me. Then I get grumpy with the schmall people. So I hurt AND I feel like a turd. Here’s some of my best meds.


Well said, cuz! However, I must disagree with the ‘holding your breath against the pain’ part, sorry. To ‘catch your breath’ at a sudden pang, is one thing, but to hold your breath over it is another entirely. That’s when you should take slow measured deep breaths, in and slowly out. From down deep.
The grandkids are always the fun part of self-medicating! lol


Exactly. I catch myself holding my breath and that’s the worst thing I could do. With me it’s the anticipation of a spasm. Those can take me to the ground. I tense up because of that fear. The kicker is, sometimes that’s what ends up bringing on the spasm in the end. lol


I’ve only fell 2 times in the past week. Went a couple weeks without any at all, but the fact that I was sitting when some spasms or numbness hit are probably what put em into the ‘no fall’ column! lol
The pinched sciatic nerve causes both. It’ll spasm, causing me to fall , and also will cause the right leg to go numb, turning into a useless piece of meat on my hip…falling. Unless I’m close enough to grab something, which is often the case. But hey, I didn’t ‘fall’ lol so it counts!


Been sitting here gleaning the beans from that Buddha’s Cane. This is a rough’ first go through. Lot of immature but even more mature ones. I chopped it a week early due to misreading the date, lol OFW

lol stoners do stuff like that now n then! :scream: :star_struck: :+1:

lol I did pluck a bean from the middle of the plant to check before I chopped her down. it was mature…


Yep but with me it’s either or, left or right. The last time I lost the feelings in my toes on the right foot. I still can just barely feel them. That’s been a few months now.


The bad valve in my heart has both legs, not good, with flow/pressure down to the 60-70% range. Both numb & usually partially swollen. It was under 40% before they put in the 3 stints on each leg. Now they wanna do something called a ‘stripping process’. i don’t think so. I’ll take what the creator sees fit to leave me with and be happy! The vert pinching the sciatic is only to the right leg.

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So, lol it looks like for either of us, it’s a case of ‘if the left one doesn’t get ya, the right one will’!

lol I know that’s not the intended meaning of that old saying. But it fit so appropriately!


I am by no means complaining bro. lol
As far as I’m concerned, I’m doing gang busters!

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Exactly my feelings on things! lol
Also glad to hear that,brother!

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lol yeah, yeah, yeah… all yas young bucks coming around up in here gotta understand something, lol There’s a buncha old farts that hang out here too, and old farts spend a lot of time discussing their various aches & pains! Along with our grows, plants, plans, etc lol

Some of the OF’s might not admit to it… like me, for instance! I use the label ‘old farts’ for them other guys! I’m fricking Peter Pan! Just trapped in an old fart’s body!
:lying_face: :scream: :joy: :rofl: :crazy_face: :+1:


I love the discussion about holistic health! The breathe is everything! It’s amazing how many people don’t breathe correctly. Change in breath will help change everything in your life.
With all this experience it’s no wonder your continuing to hang out with us @JohnnyPotseed
@insaneyanish look up 3HO organization for Kundalini


Yep, overlooked, underestimated, and not appreciated nearly enough. It’s the basis for all the different regimens of exercise and without it, a lot of time/sweat is pretty much just spinning yer wheels.
It can be the difference between successful and fail.


I had the opportunity to take a friend of mine to PT three times a week for a while. He had ocpd and a bunch of other lung issues. It was a trip watching a doctor teach a guy how to breathe properly! He was 70ish at the time.
Doctor said it was often the first thing he had to teach people as they came in. Blew my mind

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By this I mean ALL regimens, exercise and including personal health regimens, and the various martial arts/fighting styles also.


You are talking about your breathe the way I’m understanding you?


Yep, it’s all in the way you breath. Whether you do it right says whether your routine is successful in giving you what you’re doing it for, or fail in your attempts.
If not completely fail, then not get the full benefit.

After coming back home to the U.S.A. in Dec '69, in addition to working on jewelry and contract construction, growing Ganja. I also did a LOT of money fighting as well as quite a few years for a few months each year, as a head bouncer. For at least 20yrs, off n on.
Rose was with me for the last half of them years, lol She always worried for the first few years, but she learned not to sweat it.
The money fighting, I did until the boys were around 4,5,6. The bouncing I did until they were a few years younger.
Honestly, lol I didn’t do the fighting so much for the money as for the fight itself, lol


Great I wasn’t misunderstanding. I was taught the breathe is everything. With no breathe you have nothing
Damn! That’s rough


Bowhunting teaches one how to breathe. And when they are near and you stop breathing normally,you start to shake,and they see it.