Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

DAMN! … Just DAMN!! 121 heat index at the moment in Tulsa, and some surrounding areas.
All that rainfall over the past week has made things bad.

Double sided coin here, all the rain caught us up on the deficit of over 2" YTD, but it at the same time pushes the humidity up for higher than normal heat index. Can’t win for losing!


@JohnnyPotseed Been a bit of a week.Japanese beetles been little assholes but we got them whacked with a beetle bag.This plant consumes nutrients on a whole different level and between what im feeling like is an over water issue with being in the lowest dug hole in the plot and some of the plant being Dwarfed by Tonys Backpack from boneyard seeds this has been a Oil burner but we will hold the fucking line Homies

.The back pack and @Enjoi802 Skunk #1 have been light hogs and have been playing hogs of the road with all the sunshine and some of the lowers got left in the shade all the time.Seems like flower time they aint so kind no more lol leaves are yellowing out as expected but a couple look like a deficiency if anybody could give a gander i would be most appreciative .Still the restof the plant is Spectacular and Between me and you Brothers still the loudest in the bunch.I dont think sacrificing a couple little limbs will hurt my bank.I know quality when i calls them likes i sees them.She got a dose of Fox farm big bloom and the rest of my Dr earth flower girl almost a week and a half ago they just got 3 cups of Fresh flower girl with a shiton of fulvic and some cal mag for shits and giggles.Of all the plants she eats the most almost cant keep up with her


That’s frickin’ nasty @JohnnyPotseed .Had some thunderstorms yesterday afternoon. Didn’t amount to much at my place. .25" maybe. But it popped the humidity. Not particularly warm at all. The air’s just oppressive. You likely wouldn’t notice.


This is what I feel like doing every time I’m in Walmart :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Those yellowing leaf & edges could be caused by a few different things, cuz. Root problems, Copper def, zinc def, Potassium def, etc That and being out of the light combined is a small concern. I’d trim the lowers and even some of the secondary minor buddage on the mid and upper limbs. Some very good buddage is preferred to a lot of damaged, lesser buddage
You mighta taken care of some of it already with the last feeding, it remains to be seen what the reaction is by her.

@CapnCannabis if she doesn’t straighten up, cuz. I’d try small doses of the lesser nutes. Maybe a micro nute mix, but go in little steps. I have faith in your ability to bring her across the finish line in grand style! Even with the minor problem there, she’s looking grand!


I will take your advice with heed. Thank you for the encouragement i will try harder


You’re doing her proud there, cuz! An afterthought here, you mentioned she’s in a low spot. That could mean a more than she needs in water, which can also give you that look. Have you thought about maybe running a small trench channel to get rid of excess standing water
A small trench around her, with one or two connecting, running away from, might help.

I’ve had to do that myself, lol Just so long ago outdoor growing, I had forgotten about that hack/fix.


The way that spot is that one corner of that plot will have to be stayed away from in future grows its slate 3 ft down in Western NY near the lake where i live the trench at that spot will do more harm than good at this point.Will have to run its course and trim the weak limbs at this point.I have faith ill pull something nice out of this


Sounds like ya gotta plan, cuz!


The Eutierria is more of a higher thc strain. Great for pain relief and sleeping.
I don’t think it is high in CBD. @DannyTerpintine can let us know for sure. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thnx for that, cuz. I can’t talk much about CBDs, lol
Other than to say they don’t do much for me, is why I always get rid of em!


Posting an unashamed boosting of my sale, lol

OK good people of the OGniverse, it’s time for my monthly sale!
Gonna do this straight and simple, lol
No limit
This sale will run from 12 noon today (my time - Central)
until 6PM Sunday! Good luck!

For any requests, please use DM, thnx!


I’ve never had it tested but it’s not a “CBD” strain. It is amazing for pain relief though.

You’d be better off hunting f2’s of the Swackhammer for recessive CBD traits (since the mother had a CBD strain in the lineage.)… but even then, that was never really intended to be a “CBD” strain.


@DannyTerpintine thnx for that, cuz! @insaneyanish I do happen to have some swackhammer, if you don’t get any other CBD offers. I can send you that so you can do a pheno hunt.
I’m not talking about selling it to you, but rather giving it to ya. lol


Pheno Hunt, you say? :eye::lips::eye:
I’m terrible with it. I will hunt Any Pheno You Want, as long as I get to play with it too. :rofl:


I did say ‘give’ cuz. That means they’d be yours then, lol You do with em as you want

DM me your addy deets


Good Night OG!


Goodnight bud. :fist:t3:

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Good morning Johnny!
Good morning Circus dwellers and OG!
Happy Saturday Y’all! :fist:t3:


Good morning Johnny, good morning @NDNCHILD, good morning OG’s have a wonderful weekend.:peace_symbol: