Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

Good morning! @BigMike55 Hey! Wave at the Angels for me! I lived in Pensacola until about 15. Still have some family there. Have a great time!


Good Morning Johnny! Lol yeah me too. I’ll wait 9 hours to give two likes and then have to wait another 17 mins for one! :rofl:


lol Well, I reckon that just means we show a lotta luv to folks here!
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


Good Morning OG :sunglasses: :coffee:


I graduated high school at Woodham HS. 1973. Went directly into military. I loved Pensacola. Would love to live there again.


Mom went to Escambia high. I made it to Tate before expulsion and the move to Tennessee and my adventures really began! Small world!

@BigMike55 That sounds like a great time. I haven’t been to an air show before, but I know people who have and say it a fun experience. With it being the 4th of July weekend. Its sure to be even better!

Thanks for your service.

Pace, Milton, cantonment and Pensacola all grown together now! And it’s been several years since I’ve been there.

Morning folks!!!

:smiley: :v:


Good Morning! @Pigeonman


Good morning, cuz… roasting or B-B-Q on the grill, any pigeons for Canada Day? :crazy_face:

er… I mean Chicken!


My nephew still lives in Cantonment. I liked it better over around Pensacola Beach area. We used to do some fishing from the bridge going over to P Beach. Man, you have stoked my memories this morning. Thanks bruh.
As a bonus thought. That was when I first used cannabis. Between first period and second, a buddy shared a joint with me. Boy was I blasted. Everything in the world was hi-fucking-larious.


Us fancy folks call it SQUAB. But basically, it’s baby pigeons.

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Lol! P’Cola is also where I first used cannabis! Yeah man me too! Thanks for the memories and enjoy those Blue Angles. It’s also been years since I’ve seen them! Cousins and I spent many nights on that fishing bridge listening to the cars go over 3 mile behind us. Bro for real the memories!


oh, pardon moi! :scream: :rofl:



Naw. Too much smoke so the BBQ doesn’t feel… right.

Pigeons are too smol and cute to eat. Last time I ordered quail at a street festival I ended up openly balling my eyes out thanking the little bird for it’s life while eating the last of it and it was the last quail I’ve eaten.

Some would assume i’m too emotional… and I am but it’s a Bi-Polar2 emotional… which also means that on the other side of my emotional coin:



Ok I reckon I asked for that! lol :heart:


The first time is always the best. I couldn’t smoke weed for three years. The first time I smoked after that was crazy. We smoked 3 bowls and I had to ride my bike home that morning after 3rd shift :joy: talk about stoned wooohooo.

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Yeah… we don’t use that word up here.

Here’s a map of the “Residential Schools” in :canada:

and why this is such a big deal…

As it’s :canada: day I often bring this up and only partially apologies @JohnnyPotseed for the heaviness of this reply.




First time I got some real
Creeper was probably the best for me. About 14 got back to buddies house after dark. We were off toking the new stash. Felt fine when I got on my dirt bike. I didn’t have a headlight and his parents were passed out drunk so he stole the car and followed me home so I could see. Three minutes into the ride it hits me hard. With the headlights behind me I felt like I was watching a movie but kept being reminded I was the star when I’d drift and he’d honk. So much trouble. So worth it!