Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

lol Heck yeah! Looking forward to it.

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Hey Johnny. What time do you plan to be over at OldJoints place? I want to get there about the time you do or before so I can visit as long as you are able.


Edibles arent for everybody I dont really care for them when im in pain i need it to stop now and i cant wait 45 min sometimes and good herb always releases it in seconds when i smoked it

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We plan on getting there around 2, cuz.


Good afternoon everyone! Hope your all having a fantastic Saturday!
We have a coyote issue by me also. Crazy how well they adapt. My brother’s co worker was walking his yellow lab on an extended leash. One coyote squared off in front while two others hit him from the sides. The owner was no more then 20 feet away! He was able to save him.
They found a coy wolf in Central Park a while back. Hope everyone has a great time at the gathering. I’m there in spirit


Did ya see pics of the fox-dog hybrid they’ve found? ‘dog’ will screw anything, lol especially if in heat. Maybe that’s why the expression is used for some guys?! :rofl: :rofl:

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I have not seen that :joy:

Google it, I think it was down in Texas

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this one is in Brazil I believe

this is the pic i saw first, but it seems there are a few now


Good afternoon folks, I’ve been trimming since yesterday afternoon, I’m down to one, cat piss is the last one I’m gonna start it now and be done with this stuff today.:peace_symbol:


lol Now there’s a helluva name for ya! have fun!

Good morning Y’all! Bout got caught up with no likes to give this morning. That sucks! :green_heart::heart::green_heart::heart::green_heart::heart::green_heart::heart::green_heart::heart::green_heart::heart::green_heart::heart::green_heart::heart::green_heart::heart::green_heart::heart: I know that don’t cover it all!
IOU more :heart:’s…… there we go! :crazy_face:


I’m in the “like” hole already :joy: but here ya go :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

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Have to say I’m incredibly envious of the big OK weekend! Wishing y’all the best time ever!:fist:t3: I’ll be there in spirit! Send pics! :smiley:


Very interesting article. Thank you for the link

lol Not sure how folks are gonna feel about pics, if ya know what i mean! But I think I got the ‘work-around’ on that… take pics of stuff from the necks down! :scream: :crazy_face: :+1:Like the pickin n grinnin, and the tokin n jokin, and the FOOD
But… only from the necks down!


Yes definitely not anything to make anyone uncomfortable! Food, buds , doobies and general scenery are good for me! Just trying to capture the ambiance! :smiley:


I thought a picture of everyone gathered from behind in a massive cloud of smoke!
Pictures of some food/ flower maybe

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lol take a pic of folks from behind… ‘can ya guess who this is’!?


I see a contest coming :joy: