Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

I’ve never considered the looks to be all that as important, as the effect. I’ve seen some downright nasty looking Ganja that has blown my socks off! lol

I reckon that would fall under the heading of ‘never judge a book by it’s cover’… right? lol


Good morning friends.
One day and a wake up until the big Tulsa Smokeout. I’m ready for it.
You Kool Kats have a great day.


Good morning brother! :heart: :heart: Outta likes this morning lol
and HELL YEAH! to the ‘one day and a wake-up’


Agreed, @crownpoodle. Old school values, I think. I’ve been interested to observe how as the corporations increasingly take over the weed market the ratios of value skew towards form over substance. So many buy bags based upon hype, smell, and sparkle. Nuances of and qualities of the high, increasingly, consumers appear oblivious to. smh!


That is so true! I can’t believe it sometimes lol They will make something that (in my book) is ‘meh’ into the next ‘best thing since bread n butter’ and charge an arm, leg, & lien on yer firstborn for garbage!

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If you can get some of this stuff.Culinary Solvent its 200proof grain alcohol that is used in food flavorings and tinctures.Less water in it and it strips a lot better in my opinion its a little pricey like 32$ a gallon used to be 60$ so get while the gettings good

but i promise you its worth every penny makes some of the best FECO i i know of and no Naptha in it like the old rick simpson method.I still cringe when i see him stirring that batch of naptha and weed in that bucket with what appears to be a pressure treated two by four.


!?!?!? SAY WHAT?! Oh ,HELL NO!!
I never saw that, :scream: and I’m so GLAD!

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I run the Mix in a kambucha jar for a bout a month then i strain and run my liquid through a water distiller i take my Feco and decarb in the mircowave for 20 second intervals 5 second rest time in between for 2 min time total decarb time instead of the oven time way faster Very medicated when done

I’ve seen a lot of folks make butter and ointments/salves, also edibles. In a lot of different ways. I don’t do any of it, except some edibles now n then for Rose. Doesn’t do much for me, and not fond of the body buzz. Give me the old time doobie/bowl pack, thnx! lol


Rick was using naphtha lighter fluid and evaporating with a rice cooker i dont see how that gets all that naptha out?

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I have people with copd reall bad so they eased off to FECO made with culinary solvent.Couple drops in your morning coffee and it does them a little better

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G’morning u beautiful people! Hope everyone has an amazing Saturday. Weather is nice :+1:


lol I have full blown Emphysema in both lungs, cuz. it doesn’t get much more ‘COPD’ than that… I just ‘sip’ on the doobie, good enough Ganja means I don’t need to take many of them sips to do the job nicely!
But, that’s also why I make my rosin, with the heat press. lol


Good morning to you also, cuz :heart: :heart: (outta likes)


I reckon I’m kinda sorta hardcore in my insistence on smoking my Ganja. lol But dammit, i don’t have many things left in my life to enjoy, and I’ll be dammed if I’m giving up the one thing I still do! Been smoking my Ganja since the ripe old age of 8, lol and gonna do it till they pry the doobie outta my stone cold fingers!

I’ve tried damn near every way known to man, to partake of the magical marijuana… lol I’m not fond of any, other than the concentrates maybe… to SMOKE!

lol heck, I’ve even tried eating the rosin by itself, rolling it into a ball and swallowing it down. (bad move!) lol that stuff coats the inside/back of yer mouth/throat. lol


Good morning Johnny and all of the OG’s

And you to slick1 :joy:


:rofl: so, the slick1 gets his own category?!
Not that he doesn’t deserve & earn it! :scream: :rofl: :crazy_face: :+1:

oh lol and good morning to ya, cuz :heart: :heart:


Sounds like a pack of teenage girls!

Good morning everyone!


Still in ‘like-jail’ here, brother lol so good morning to you also! :heart: :heart: :heart:

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I won’t be on much again today. We’re milking and other chores at two places again today.
We’ll have plenty of time tomorrow to visit!!!

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