Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Brainfart, cool idea lol

oh oh… my walker or cane (depending on the kinda day I’m havin, might gimme away)! Damn…

I plan on taking em both, just in case lol

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Cool idea! :grinning: Guesses sent in PM so we don’t dox?
This could be fun! Should the participants in the pic sign a waiver!? :joy:

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Naw, we all legal here, lol but still not gonna take facial pics. even though, lol Guitarzan, Mobilly, and me all have our pics as icon


Just playing around with that last part. But the pic from behind and guessing does sound fun! :grinning:

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I see a picture of like 10 guys with long grey hair and @BigMike55 :joy:


There will be 7 guys and 5 gals there total
Plenty enough for a nice little party! lol


Back in a few, folks
Forgot, lol today is BBP spraying day in the ‘farm-inna-barn’
Went out there with the boss lady, and did everything needed doing …except!


Got the BBP applied and all is now ‘golden’ in my world!

lol when yer retired, the days run together at times, and somewhere along the way, even though i knew and we’ve been talking about tomorrow(Sunday) lol I simply slept the fact today is Saturday, BBP day. lol

My outside girls are liking the cooler weather I think.
London Pound Cake still needs another week. Frankenstein needs two weeks. And the Zamaldelica will need another three to four. Hope the weather holds out. I am starting to see amber in the LPC tho. About 10%. Frankie is just barely starting to amber up. Just a few trikes here and there.


It got down into the upper 30s windchill here this morning. You’re a good bit further south, so hope everything makes it to ripe

on!y 62 right now, high of 67 today

I could probably take that LPC and be perfectly happy but I like my bud to have 20-30% amber. Sometimes I miss that window, but you get my drift.

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Oh heck yeah, the % of amber trichs says what kinda buzz you get. When you find the ‘sweet spot’ that’s always where ya wanna aim for.

We like to shoot for around 30% in Frankie. Unless we have plenty, lol then we’ll go for 10% (up, energetic buzz) and also do another at upwards of 70-80% ( the couchlock)


Buds are looking outstanding tho.




Having a problem with white flys right now but this close to harvest I don’t want to spray anything.

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You could always spray, then wash the buds off at harvest.
Outdoor plants almost always need washing anyhow.

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What Johnny? Spray some 1-n-done and rinse after a couple of hours? Too bad there’s not a good rain coming. Mike could spray a couple of hours before it hits and then he’d be golden.

Ahh rain and buds this far along… not good though.

You can spray the one-n-done MTA mix up to day of harvest. Then just rinse the buds real good to get rid of dead pests and any remaining residue. Outdoor plants really need to be rinsed anyway, to get rid of trash and dead pests.
It doesn’t hurt the plants to gently rinse them off.


I wonder how burnt bird crap tastes like?


Like shit…
:scream: :rofl: