Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

I set that one up real good for you. lol


Yep, brother lol kinda sorta
And of course, I couldn’t resist!

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Did ya see where i answered your question earlier? Around 2PM

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I’m sure you, like myself, have intentionally set up a good one for a friend from time to time. I’ve set up my wife’s favorite jokes a few times for her.

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Of course! lol

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Yep. I saw that. Plans have been fine tuned. :slight_smile:

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Well, I have things to take care of so I’ll catch you all later.
Chewing at the bit brother!

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What do you use for a rinse of your outdoor?
I’ve seen peroxide rise and a lemon juice baking soda mix

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3 - 5gal buckets, firstbucket 1/4 cup Hydrogen Peroxide/water, 2nd 1/4 cup of lemon juice and 1/4 cup of baking soda/ water , 3rd plain water
Completely immerse buds, gently move around/ back and forth, in the first two buckets for 1-2 minutes, then rinse for a minute or two. hang till dry with breeze/fan


I’m gonna shut down for the evening, folks.

Good Night OG!


Good night buddy

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Good morning Johnny, good morning OG’s. Yesterday was a test of patience and hand strength. I was in the barn all day and part of the evening but I finally finished the outdoor trimming.:peace_symbol:


Good Morning OG!


Good morning @Greenfingers @JohnnyPotseed & OG!


Good morning Johnny @Greenfingers and @CanuckistanPete ! :fist:t3:
Good morning Circus dwellers and OG!
Definitely gonna be a lazy Sunday! :grin:


Not for Rose n me, lol


And the rubbing it in begins! :joy:
Seriously though. I hope everyone has a great time! :smiley: Y’all have fun and be safe out there! :fist:t3::facepunch:t3: 🪶

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Not rubbing it in, brother. Just got so much to do today, out in the barn as well as here in the house. Not related to the dinner party.

Today is ‘feeding day’ in the zoo…er, I mean the farm-inna-barn! lol A few other things also

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I guess ya see where my mind’s trying to be ! :joy:
You still got some time to get get and limbered up before barn duty! :ok_hand:

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I gotta go toss some raw meat to the SHE BEAST!