Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)



That thing probably likes it still wiggling a little! :joy:

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lol Well, with everyone showing pics of Frankenstein doing such awesome growing. I just HAD to do one also! I’ve grown her big AF before, but never had reason to post any pics. But being back in a forum changed that.

I hadn’t been a part of any social media platform since around 2004-5

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Good morning all!
It’s a chilly 45 deg here, and I like it.
Lots of housework to do today so I better get busy
Have a great day


43 outside the door here. currently

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I definitely have her offspring in the Longhouse! That Blue Mummy is getting ridiculously branchy! Looks similar to the She Beast, I’m just in a smaller pot and didn’t veg as long. I’m so thankful for that last part! :joy: She has arms everywhere!


That’s to be expected, cuz! lol

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It’s a fantastic plant! :partying_face:


Yup low 40s here too, definitely fall temperatures. I have a fire in the wood burner.


Like I’ve said. Any crosses I did of Ms Frankie, have all turned out to be pretty much just Ms Frankie! lol Sometimes there might be a ‘hint’ of the pollen donor in there but as a general rule, almost ALL look & grow like the Original Frankenstein…

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I used to love a fireplace or wood stove. But this Emphysema doesn’t like that any more! We always put one in wherever we bought a place. lol
We still have plenty of fires in the small firepit outdoors, though. lol

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Soooo like a football team of octopi :octopus: in a huddle? :joy:

I shoulda just grown her, trained her more and pulled the same weight as in the tent now! She’s awesome! :joy:


Hey! The gal just likes to have her ‘space’!
And she’ll TAKE it!

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Good morning one and all!


I found Walkenstein has the Skywalker influence in the terps, it’s a little bit sweeter with a little different flavor than Frankenstein. The effects are still Frankenstein I’ve been smoking Walkenstein all day yesterday and wake n bake this morning. I’m waiting for lights on and I have a Temple Afkansastan x Pakastani inside that’s done. Trimming again today😆


I do NOT miss all the trimming we did when commercial! I feel for ya, cuz lol But, you’ll enjoy the fruits of your labor soon, I’m sure.

Oh yeah.


Nice pull! Lot of pretty buddage hanging there. Well done!

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String of green! My favorite style! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Nice buds, bud! :fist:t3:


Yeah buddy Greenfingers!!!