Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Is it early or late?


Ya, the Zamadelica is 3 plants in its own.

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Good morning @Hemp!

I can hear some pissed off goats out there. lol They don’t like the change in my routine. I don’t have the horses to care for now so we decided to start later in the morning with feeding and milking those goats. They don’t like to wait past the normal feeding time.
So needy. lol


Heading out to the barn, I’ll be back in a bit.


Yeah yer Zamadelica is gonna take a week on it’s own.


Mornings @MoBilly


This Tulsa Smokeout feels like a epic event with a whole audience of fans/well-wishers who will be in the stands rooting for you all. (Only without any opposing team.) I can say with :100: confidence, I’ll be among those thinking of y’all and heart-smiling all evening at the good vibes emanating from Tulsa!:grinning::v:


So I was at goodwill yesterday got another total gym. This for 100$. I had some of the original ones. This one will work out great. Cut the gym membership. The back is wider and longer.


I didn’t know that was going on right now


Bigger scissors. It makes a big difference. lol I am truly being serious.


Yep. Those little scissors don’t fit my hands well enough so I used to use large scissors until I got to the fine stuff. Now I just leave a lot of the sugar leaves on the buds when I bag them up. I think they do better if I do that because it creates air space between the buds. :+1:t4:

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Hey guys, has anyone seen a Siamese twin sprout? @alwaysnoob posted this pic. So neat!


In all the years of growing, I always used barber shears, lol with the big finger holes. Now, all I need is the Fiskar ones.


Thanks brother @MoBilly
I think if I had used paper towel, it might have been two separate plants, but i soaked the seeds and they went straight into the pucks after 24 hours and came back as conjoined twins lol…

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Happy friggin Sunday ya bastids!


lol Another 2 days gone by, and the SHE BEAST still gets bigger…

There’s a couple of Unicorn Poop that got too big for the shelf, now on 5gal buckets, under the big LED

some of the UP, still on the shelf (yep, there’s another Frankie clone coming along there on the left.)

The new Frankie mother is coming along nicely as well

Tossing in a little bud/seed porn

Thunder Rose, starting to stack

That’s my view here this morning. Thnx for taking a peek at things, folks!


I’m a little afraid bro. I up-potted into 7 1/2 gal bags… :thinking:
Well, I can’t go home (since I’m already there) so I’ll go BIG! lol


If you don’t let her veg very long, you’ll be ok brother. How long ago did you up-pot? Post a pic, please

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It was just before I posted the pics of those yellow leaves. All three of the Frankenstein show signs of over watering but no yellowing. The CSK both went yellow. I’m thinking I watered them in too soon when I transplanted them all. I watered just the day before and then when I up-potted. I’ll take a couple of pics and you’ll see.

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