Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Hey guys !! Up jumps the devil!!!


Seems like we just restarted this thread. 2600 posts go by fast. Thank u guys for making me smile each and every day no matter what’s going on or how crappy I feel I can always count on y’all for a quick pick me up


My Dad always said “If I don’t make someone laugh during the day I feel like everything wasn’t accomplished for the day”.
Today you get the pick me up you need. Tomorrow it may well be me, so thank you in advance @GallacreekD66 . :slight_smile:


Hope you know I was messing around @GallacreekD66


I haven’t said anything. Kinda hate posting bad news but I’ve been doing some serious battle with the Covid the past few days and feel like warmed over death but u guys still make me smile. I’m on the mend now over the worst of it but it’s been rough my 70 year old dad had it bad I been taking care of him since me and him both had it. I thought I was gonna have to put him in the hospital he was doing so bad yesterday but he got up this morning doing a lil better. First I’ve had it through all this and hopefully the last. Would’ve just thought I had the flu but took one of those test’s Sunday and yep Covid

Damn cuz, hope yas both feel a lot better soon!

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Ok. Now I feel like a shitheel.
Sorry you’re going thru the Kung Flu. Your dad, too. That sucks.
My wife went to the doctor this morning and he was wearing a mask she asked why. He said, just today, he had already seen three patients with civic. Dam!
Sorry man.


Love u @BigMike55 u can fuck with me till the cows come home and I’d still love u brother.


Crap man. That sucks. I’m glad he’s doing at least a little better. And you’re feeling well enough to take care of him.
I’ve been fortunate in that way. It might be because I don’t go to town often, but I don’t get sick often. That’s a good thing because I have a boatload of other things health wise to deal with. lol


My mom had it first that’s how we got it. She pulled through and is doing better now. She works at the hospital sooooo

Hope you feel better buddy. Speedy recovery

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Get well soon Hogman.

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I hope you are on the mend, I don’t think I have had Covid but I did have something a couple weeks ago. Sure made smoking bud hard, I coughed up a lung.:wink:


My Frankie grew up in to a literal monster…5 ft x 5 ft she deff can hold her own weight …nuggets were practically touching the ground…Looked like a fighing pole bent over ! …no real good pics of her but if everything was harvested I’d say a pound in a half …Sadly everything has gone to the hash bin and what’s left outside will as well…dang mold has shown face…poured for two days…even drying in low humidity I’m seeing a little mold …don’t wanna contaminate…boyy oh boy what a sweet smell she did have…hell of a plant !


damn…in ‘like-jail’… again! lol


She definitely needs to be watched closely. My outdoor girl was devoured by bugs while all the surrounding plants were bugless and --except for about a quarter oz of nuggs-- the whole plant rotted away. I hope to have better luck indoors


Positive vibes to you and your dad @GallacreekD66 hope y’all get feeling 100% soon

Good evening all


Damn cuz, I hate to hear that! RIP dear Ms Frankie! It is unusual though, a lot of folks have had absolutely no problems from their Frankies.
Being in the middle of mold infested plants, at that.


It was an incredibly difficult season in the northeast. Really wet, cold and overcast. I had bad rot issues also with Frankenstein. She was not alone though. Crippy crosses, Tropicana cherry, mendo breath all got hit hardest


That sux! But also, just reminds me in part, of why I moved to indoor growing in the winter of '84