Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

There was no time for reveg ! But yah the onset of mold deff happen rather quickly I’ll never forget her smell lol …that I’ll let it go another week got me :sweat_smile:
One clone I amm trying to reveg “grape pie” did outstanding very little mold and was still going strong till I took her down as of today . ! Like my biggest plant it still had about 6Oz of popcorn that I got sick of bucking off the plant …went to the goats !! Best trimmers you’ll ever see !


It was my fault for not adding some sort of cover to protect her from the cold moist San Francisco mornings. Sadly, she and the LAPK were mostly losses. I know she’ll do better indoors, she has been trucking along nicely and I still haven’t cleaned her up since my last pic :sweat_smile:

Most deff do a LOT better indoors! Good growing vibes in the air to ya, brother! :heart: :heart: :heart:

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I have been hearing rave reviews about the grape pie, I really want to run that one. That was exactly how my thoughts progressed too, she looked okay but was not filled in yet so I though “just another week”… two days later most of the plant was toast and I tried to save the few nuggs I could. Frankie is definitely favored in her scent and flavor ranges :yum:


On another topic… @MoBilly that goat’s milk is/was great, brother. many thnx for it.


:heart: :heart: :heart: I hate ‘like-jail’!

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I’ll take a snapshot tomorrow! I figured as much she smells like she would taste lol …quite a bit still growing out there I might just have to scavenge some of what is left …she was deff airy for a little bit then got thick in the blink of an eye …then it rained for 2 days …IF all goes well I’ll keep in touch with you about that Grape pie !

Correction it’s GRAPE JELLY by green point
Hunted by a member here


I’m glad you liked it brother. These new nannies are proving to be better milkers than the ones we sold off a while back. After the youngest are in milk that’ll be 5 we’ll be milking. I see a lot of butter and cheese in the future. :slight_smile:
l also plan to buy a couple of pigs to raise on corn and goat milk that has had a chance to ferment for a while. That will be some tender meat bro. :slight_smile:


:heart: :heart: :heart: lol oh hell yeah, cuz! Now ya done went n got me salivating here! :drooling_face: :yum:

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I like to keep them hogs slightly lit and reeeeeeeeelaxed!

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Happy hogs makes for fine eating!

You bet they do. Also put a lot of fist + sized rocks in the enclosure to keep them from running around too much. They have to walk slow so they don’t burn off the fat as much. Grandpa did it just that way. He used cow’s milk but all the rest was just like he raised them.


Now there’s an old trick I haven’t seen hide nor hair of in many years! lol Grampa had a lot of hogs, they mostly were penned and a lot of fist sized rocks in the pen. lol


I remember a lot from living back on his place and my Uncle’s place. When Dad retired I thought that we would move back out East and put a place on Grandpa’s land. That put a chip on my shoulder for years. lol
He knew so much that I missed out on learning. Granny too. That woman knew everything that grew, crawled, flew or slithered in them hills and how to use most of it.


Lots of the older ways are being lost in the dust of time.


True words man.


My grandmother was savvy that way, also. lol She could make silk purses from sow’s ears! :scream: :rofl:

Welllll, that might be a bit of a slight stretch, but you get the picture!

I wish now, that I had listened more then!

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It’s time for this old man to hit the hay.
Goodnight @JohnnyPotseed and all you others.

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I’m getting offline now, folks. I’ll cyas tomorrow. Still worn down from the gathering, I reckon. lol My get up n go, done got up n went…

Good Night OG!

lol i see you got the same idea, brother! :heart: :heart: :heart:


Yes sir. :slight_smile: